James W. Ford


A Vote for Hoover, Roosevelt or Thomas Like Saying “Yes We Like Starvation and Scottsboros!”

James W. Ford Declares Communists Fight Every Day for All Toilers, Negro and White



Source:  "A Vote for Hoover, Roosevelt or Thomas Like Saying 'Yes We Like Starvation and Scottsboros!' James W. Ford Declares Communists Fight Every Day for All Toilers, Negro and White". Daily Worker, November 7, 1932.
Transcribed: for marxists.org by Juan Fajardo, November 2023.



DETROIT, Mich., Nov. 6. – “To vote for the Republican, Democratic or Socialist Parties is to vote for exactly what we have been getting for the past four years,” declared James W. Ford, Communist candidate for vice-president, here today.

“To vote for any of these three parties is like saying: ‘Yes, we like starvation, lynching, breadlines and the Scottsboro frame-up’. No worker and poor farmer can afford to ignore this outstanding fact that the Communist Party is uniting the Negro and white toilers in a common struggle against the ruling class and their age long program of starvation, lynching and war.

“The Communist Party in its platform and in every day struggles of the working class has brought those issues which affect the very lives of our wives and children. The Communist Party is fighting every day in the year against the lynchers and bosses and for Unemployment Insurance at the expense of the government and employers and political, economic and social equality for Negroes.

“A vote for the Communist Party is a challenge to the ruling class which is responsible for our breadlines and Scottsboro.

“A vote for the Communist Party is a vote for a Workers and Farmers Government in the U.S.A., and for a militant Party which fights for the interests of all workers, Negro and white.”