Marx-Engels Correspondence 1882

Friedrich Engels To Henry Mayers Hyndman
March 13, 1882

Source: Photo in The Life and Times of Thomas Spence, P.M. Ashraf, Gateshead 1983
Date: The letter is undated. MECW says 'around March 31', Ashraf says March 13
Transcribed by: Graham Seaman.

Dear Sir

I thank you for the pamphlet you have sent me and am very glad that glorious old Tom Spence has been brought out again[A].

I shall be very glad to make your personal acquantaince as soon as you shall have set yourself right with my friend Marx whom I see you can now afford to quote[B].

Yours truly

F. E.

A.The pamphlet referred to was The Nationalization of the Land in 1775 and 1882

B.Hyndman had offended Marx by quoting from him without acknowledgement in his earlier work England for all