Evgeny Pashukanis

Selected Bibliography





Josef Sonntag, Germaniia pered’katastrofoi (Germany Before the Catastrophe) (1914), Petrograd, E.B.P. ed. and trans.


Burzhuaznyi iurist o prirode gosudarstva (A Bourgeois Jurist on the Nature of the State), Krasnaia nov’ (1921), part 3, pp.223-232.

Pervye mesiatsy sushchestvovanii moskovskogo narodnogo suda (The First Months of the Existence of the Moscow People’s Court), Ezh, SIu. (1922), no.44-45, pp.15-16.

K obzoru literatury po obshchei teorii prava i gosudarstva (Towards a Survey of the Literature on the General Theory of Law and State), VSA (1923), no.5, pp.227-232,

Kunov, kak interpretator Marksovoi teorii obshchestva i gosudarstva (Kunov, as an Interpreter of the Marxist Theory of Society and the State), VSA (1923), no.6, pp.400-411.


Obshchaia teoriia prava i marksizm: Opyt kritiki osnovnykh iuridcheskikh poniatii (The General Theory of Law and Marxism: An Experiment in the Criticism of Basic Juridical Concepts), Sotsakad, Moscow.


Burzhuaznoe gosudarstvo i problema suvereniteta (The Bourgeois State and the Problem of Sovereignty), VKA, no.10, pp.300-312.

Interventsiia (Intervention), RP, Sbornik 1, pp.165-169.

Lenin i voprosy prava (Lenin and Problems of Law), RP, Sbornik I, pp.40-60.

Leon Diugi (Leon Duguit), EGP, vol.1, pp.1064-1068.

Obzor osnovnykh napravlenii vo frantsuzskoi literature gosudarstvennogo prava (A Survey of Basic Themes in the French Literature on State Law), VKA, no.12, pp.353-362.

Vassal’noe gosudarstvo (The Vassal State), EGP, vol.1, pp.349-350.


Obshchaia teoriia prava i marksizm (The General Theory of Law and Marxism), Komakad, Moscow, 2nd edition.

Mezhdunarodnoe pravo (International Law), EGP, vol.2, pp.857-874.


Obshchaia teoriia prava i marksizm (The General Theory of Law and Marxism), Komakad, Moscow, 3rd edition.

Desiatiletie Gosudarstva i revoliutsii Lenina (The Tenth Anniversary of Lenin’s State and Revolution), RP, no.4, pp.9-22.

K kharakteristike fashistskoi diktatury (Towards a Characterization of Fascist Dictatorship), VKA, no.19, pp.62-91.

K ucheniiu Lenina o vosstanii (Concerning the Leninist Doctrine on Revolt), Pravda, April 22.

Marks i Lenin v otsenke burzhuaznoi nauki (Marx and Lenin as Appraised by Bourgeois Science), Pravda, Jan. 21.

Marksistskaia teoriia prava i stroitel’stvo sotsializma (The Marxist Theory of Law and the Construction of Socialism), RP, no.3, pp.3-12.

O revoliutsionnykh momentakh v istorii angliiskogo gosudarstva i angliiskogo prava (Revolutionary Elements in the History of the English State and Law), RP, no.1, pp.112-174.

Ob’ekt prava (Object of Law), EGP, vol.3, pp.102-103.

Zametki o kul’ture i politike (Notes on Culture and Politics), Revoliutsiia i kul’tura, no.2.


Imperializm i kolonial’naia politika: Part I – Ekonomika imperializma (Imperialism and Colonial Policy: Part I – The Economics of Imperialism), Komakad, Moscow.

L. Ivanov, SSSR i imperialisticheskoe okruzhenie; Book One of Desiat let kapitalisticheskogo okruzheniia SSSR (USSR and the Imperialist Encirclement; Book One of Ten Years of the Capitalist Encirclement of the USSR), Komakad, Moscow, E.B.P. and M. Spektator, eds.

Diktatura proletariata i oppozitsiia (The Dictatorship of the Proletariat and the Opposition), RP, no.1, pp.5-14.

K voprosu o zadachakh sovetskoi nauki mezhdunarodnogo prava (Concerning the Question of the Tasks of the Soviet Science of International Law), Mzh. P., no.1, pp.7-15.


Noveishie otkroveniia Karla Kautskogo: po povodu knigi Materialisticheskoe ponimanie istorii (The Latest Revelations of Karl Kautsky: On the Occasion of the Book The Materialist Understanding of History), Komakad, Moscow, E.B.P. co-author.

Sovetskii gosudarstvennyi apparat v bor’be s biurokratizmom (The Soviet State Apparatus in the Struggle Against Bureaucratism), Komakad, Moscow.

M. Oriu, Osnovy publichnogo prava (M. Hauriou, Fundamentals of Public Law), Komakad, Moscow, E.B.P. ed.

Cromwells Soldatenräte, in Otto Hoetzsch, ed., Aus der historischen Wissenschaft der Soviet-Union, Ost-Europa-Verlag, Berlin, pp.128-52.

Ekonomika i pravovoe regulirovanie (Economics and Legal Regulation), RP, nos.4 and 5, pp.12-32 and 20-37.

Kolonial’naia politika i ee noveishie apologety (Colonial Policy and Its Latest Apologists), VKA, no.34(4), pp.7-18.


Iz leninskogo nasledstva: k leninskoi teorii gosudarstva i proletarskoi revoliutsii (From the Leninist Heritage: Towards the Leninist Theory of State and Proletarian Revolution), Moscow.

M. Ostrogorsky, Demokratiia i politicheskie partii – Soedinennye Shtaty Ameriki (Democracy and Political Parties – The United States of America), vol.2, Komakad, Moscow, E.B.P. ed.

K voprosu o klassovoi bor’be v perekhodnyi period (Concerning the question of the Class Struggle in the Transition Period), SGRP, no.5-6, pp.7-25.

Polozhenie na teoreticheskom pravovom fronte (The Situation on the Legal Theory Front), SGRP, no.11-12, pp.16-49.

Pravo v sisteme istoricheskogo materializma (Law in the System of Historical Materialism), BZK, no.8, pp.52-58.


Za markso-leninskuiu teoriiu gosudarstva i prava (For A Marxist-Leninist Theory of State and Law), Sotsekgiz, Moscow and Leningrad.

V bor’be s nedostatkami gosapparata (Combating the Shortcomings of the State Apparatus), Moscow, E.B.P. co-author.

Bor’ba za leninskuiu partiinost’ v nauke i zadachi Komakademii (The Struggle for a Leninist Party Orientation in Science and the Tasks of the Communist Academy), VKA, no.12, pp.3-12.

Gegel’, gosudarstvo i pravo(Hegel, the State and Law), SGRP, pp.1-17.

Krizis kapitalizma i fashistskie teorii gosudarstva (The Crisis of Capitalism and the Fascist Theory of the State), SGRP, no.10-12, pp.33-54.

Leninskoe uchenie o gosudarstve i diktature proletariata i sovremennyi opportunizm (The Leninist Doctrine of the State and Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Contemporary Opportunism) in E.B.P., ed. Diktatura proletariata i sovremennyi revizionizm (The Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Contemporary Revisionism), Sotsekgiz, Moscow and Leningrad, pp.7-23.

Osnovnye problemy marksistskoi teorii prava i gosudarstva (Basic Problems of the Marxist Theory of State and Law), SGRP, no.1, pp.11-40.


15 let sovetskogo stroitel’stva: k X Vgodo vshch ine oktiabr’skoi revoliutsii (15 Years of Soviet Construction: Towards the Fifteenth Anniversary of the October Revolution), Sov. zakonadat., Moscow, E.B.P. ed.

Proletarskoegosudarstvo ipostroenie besklassovogo obshchestva (The Proletarian State and the Construction of a Classless Society), Partizdat’, Moscow.

Uchenie o gosudarstve i prave (The Doctrine of State and Law), Partizdat’, Moscow, E.B.P. ed.

Pis’mo r. Stalina i zadachi teoreticheskogo fronta gosudarstva i prava (Comrade Stalin’s Letter and the Tasks of the Theoretical Front of State and Law), SG, no.1, pp.24-48.

Problema gosudarstva vo vtoroi piatiletke (The Problem of the State in the Second Five Year Plan), VKA, no.6, pp.80-84.

Problemy gosudarstva i prava v svete reshenii XVII Partkonferentsii (The Problems of State and Law in Light of the Decisions of the Seventeenth Party Conference), SG, no.4, pp.5-33.


10 let Konstitutsii SSSR (Ten Years of the USSR Constitution), Sov. zakonadat., Moscow, E.B.P. ed.

Marks i proletarskoe gosudarswo (Marx and the Proletarian State), Sotsekgiz, Moscow and Leningrad, E.B.P. ed.

Kak Germanskie Sotsial-fashisty fal’sifitsirovali sovety (How the German Social-Fascists Falsified the Soviets), SG, no.6, pp.21-39.

Na starykh pozitsiiakh: po povodu statei N. I. Bukharina v zhurnale Sorena (On Old Positions: On the Occasion of N. 1. Bukharin’s Article in the journal Sorena), VKA, no.5, pp.40-56.

Teoriia bor’by i pobedy proletariata (The Theory of the Struggle and Victory of the Proletariat), SG, no.3, pp.3-20.


S.I. Raevich, Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo (International Private Law), Moscow, E.B.P. ed.

Leninsko euchenie o proletarskom gosudarstvei postroenii bes klassovogo obshchestva (The Leninist Doctrine on the Proletarian State and the Construction of a Classless Society), VKA, no.4, pp.35-39.

Leninizm pobezhdaet (Leninism Prevails), SG, no.1, pp.3-19.

Sovetskoe pravo i revoliutsionnaia zakonnost’ (Soviet Law and Revolutionary Legality), IKP, no.2, pp.13-28.

Vstuplenie SSSR v ligu natsii (The Entry of the USSR into the League of Nations), SG, no.6, pp.23-28.


Ocherki po mezhdunarodnomu pravu (Essays on International Law), Sov. zakonadat., Moscow.

Kurs sovetskogo khoziaistvennogo prava (A Course on Soviet Economic Law), Sov. zakonadat., Moscow, 2 vols, E.B.P. co-ed.

Ob izmeneniiakh sovetskoi konstitutsii (Concerning Changes in the Soviet Constitution), Vlast’ sovetov, Moscow, E.B.P. co-ed.

Rekonstruktsiia gosapparata i bor’ba s biurokratizmom (Reconstruction of the State Apparatus and the Struggle against Bureaucratism), Vlast’ sovetov, Moscow, E.B.P. co-ed.

Bol’shevizm i sovety 1905 goda (Bolshevism and the Soviet of 1905), SG, no.6, pp.14-22.

Bor’ba partii s trotskistami i pravymi po voprosam gosudarstva i diktatury proletariata (The Struggle of the Party Against the Trotskyists and the Right Oppositionists on the Problem of the State and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat), Bol’shevik, no.7, pp.63-71.

Engels kak teoretik marksizma i borets za revoliutsionnyi marksizm (Engels as a Theoretician of Marxism and Fighter for Revolutionary Marxism), Pod. Zn. M., no.5, pp.28-40.

Uchenie Lenina i Stalina o gosudarstve i novyi etap razvitiia sovetskogo demokratiia (The Doctrine of Lenin and Stalin on the State and the New Stage of Development of Soviet Democracy), Pravda, Feb. 22.


Chrezyvychainyi VIII s’ezd Sovetov i Stalinskaia Konstitutsiia (The Extraordinary Eighth Congress of Soviets and the Stalinist Constitution), SG, no.6, pp.21-32.

Gosudarstvo i pravo pri sotsializme (State and Law under Socialism), SG, no.3, pp.3-11.

Lichnaia sobstvennost’ v sotsialisticheskom gosudarstve (Personal Property in the Socialist State), Pravda, no.162.

Stalinskaia Konstitutsiia i sotsialisticheskaia zakonnost’ (The Stalinist Constitution and Socialist Legality), SG, no.4, pp.18-28.

Sotsialisticheskoe gosudarstvo i ego konstitutsiia (The Socialist State and its Constitution), SS, no.4(117), pp.512.

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Last updated on 13.5.2004