Dominican Republic 1965

Statement by the Uruguayan Writers Society

First Published: May 7, 1965;
Source: Marcha, Montevideo, Year XXVI, No.1253, p.3;
Translated: by Amaury Rodriguez, 2019.

Translator’s note: The statement “Declaración de la Sociedad de Escritores del Uruguay” [Statement by the Uruguayan Writers Society],issued in 1965 by the Uruguayan Writers Society (Sociedad de Escritores del Uruguay-SEU), appeared in the prestigious left-wing weekly newspaper Marcha published in Uruguay from 1934 to 1974.

In the face of the invasion of the Dominican Republic by United States troops, the Uruguayan Writers Society (SEU) states:

1) Its repudiation to the aggression executed by American Marines (whose repeated incursions into Latin American countries have not been forgotten by their peoples), an aggression that in the already deteriorated [system] of inter-American relations means a tragic setback to the times when the United States used colonial violence to solve the problems of its vast colonialist project;

2) Its admiration for the heroic resistance of a people who defend their right to decide their own destiny;

3) Its support for the resolution adopted in this emergency by the Uruguayan government, as well as its hope that this high national tone will not diminish in the face of the foreseeable offers or threats of the United States;

4) Finally, the SEU calls to reflect on the illuminating effect that this behavior by the government in Washington must have to determine our future relations with a power that has now confirmed its status as an enemy.