Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Marxist-Leninists, Unite!

Resolution of the Brussels Federal Committee of the Belgian Communist Party

A Reply to the “Open Letter” of July 14, 1963 Published in Pravda


From its very first lines, the “open letter” perpetrates a real swindle. It isn’t true that, as it says, it is a matter of “. . . the C.P.C. on one hand and the C.P.S.U. and the other fraternal Parties on the other.”

There are Marxist-Leninists on one side and the revisionists on the other.

Among the former the Chinese Communist Party is outstanding, with its Central Committee and Comrade Mao Tse-tung as well as many other Communist Parties – among the revisionists, the Khrushchov group is outstanding.

The vigilance of Communists must be redoubled against the principal danger for the international communist movement: revisionism. This threatens to subvert several Communist Parties, and has managed to establish itself in the leadership of these Parties.

Communists are anxious about the liquidation by the revisionists of certain Communist Parties as revolutionary vanguards of the working class.

The Chinese Communist Party which holds high the banner of proletarian internationalism, of the socialist revolution and of Marxism-Leninism has the sympathy of revolutionaries all over the world.

Only petty-bourgeois conformists, opportunists and the timid can agree to selling out principles for the sake of winning the sympathy of temporary so-called cheap majorities.

The universal truth of Marxism-Leninism will triumph and so will the world socialist revolution, which is a historical necessity.

The action of the Marxist-Leninist vanguard of the working class leads the unconquerable force made up of 90 per cent of humanity to victory.

The lies and the manoeuvres of a handful of revisionists cannot hide the fact that “Marxism-Leninism has been and remains the guide of Communists.

Moreover, the attacks, the bluffing and the manipulations of the revisionists cannot hide the fact that the majority of Communists in the world have clearly supported the positions that hold to Marxism-Leninism and condemn revisionism.

Even in the Parties where for the moment unworthy leaders pretend to speak in the name of the Party and subject Marxist-Leninists to persecution and inadmissible repression, it is these latter who represent the revolutionary will of the great majority of militants and the revolutionary will of the working masses. This is why the revisionists have to resort to lying in their attempts to cut off news about the militants.

This is why the revisionists do not want an honest and serious debate as it would lead to their total defeat.