Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Canadian Communist League (Marxist-Leninist)

The Struggle for the Creation of the Canadian Communist League (Marxist-Leninist)


After more than one year of struggle for the creation of a Marxist-Leninist party in Canada, the CMO, the COR, and MREQ have accomplished the necessary progress in terms of political line and political consciousness to now proceed to the formation of a vanguard proletarian organization whose activity will consist in bringing together the subjective conditions for the creation of the party.

As Enver Hoxha points out:

It is now historically proven that without its party the working class, under whatever conditions it may live or work, cannot achieve consciousness on its own. What turns the working class from a “class by itself” to a “class for itself” is its party. Of course, struggle, action, temper and test the classes, the masses and the revolutionaries, and teach them many things. But if they lack a political party with a clear-cut program and scientifically based strategy and tactics, the struggle will either stop halfway or fail altogether. And the experience of the present day revolutionary movement and numerous struggles of the peoples of various continents teaches us this. (Enver Hoxha, Report Submitted to the Sixth Congress of the PLA)

In fact, the Canadian working class has distinguished itself by its high level of combativity in the struggle against the effects of capitalist exploitation: this is reflected in the large development of the strike movement in answer to the present crisis. The working class has a great revolutionary potential.

However the forces of revolution in Canada remain weak, poorly or little organized. Their work is still primitive and undeveloped and it lacks ideological and political clarity.

We must look upon the struggle of our three groups during the last year as a sustained effort to pull ourselves away from this primitive state and resolve the contradiction, that is to say, the cut-off between the spontaneous struggle of the working class and the Marxist-Leninist movement.

The creation of the Canadian Communist League (ML) is a great step forward in this direction. It is not the product of a simple merging of forces and practices of the three founding groups, but instead a qualitative leap, both political and organizational. This means putting into practice our political line and carrying on systematic agitational, propaganda, and organizational work in the working class in order to realize the fusion of scientific socialism and the labor movement and to win over to communism the best elements of the working class on a country-wide scale. We must also correctly direct our studies, scientific research and analysis to enable us to better elaborate our political line.

The factors for both revolution and war are increasing. On a world scale imperialism is plunging into a deep crisis while the socialist countries are obtaining continued successes and the peoples of the world are developing consciousness and strength. The two superpowers, American imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism are contending to extend their domination over the world, creating the danger of a new world war. But their ambitions have come up against the resistance of the people, particularly the peoples of the Third World. As Chou En-lai declared, “Whether war gives rise to revolution or revolution prevents war, in either case the international situation will develop in a direction favourable to the people and the future of the world will be bright.”

In Canada the crisis of imperialism has led the bourgeoisie to heighten the exploitation and oppression of the working class and the popular masses. The working class answers back by its means of self-defense – strikes and spontaneous struggles. But there is only one solution to capitalist exploitation – proletarian revolution to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat and socialism. To make this revolution the Canadian proletariat must confront three enemies. Its principal enemies is the Canadian bourgeosie, the ruling class, and the other enemies are the two superpowers. The proletariat must also struggle against the national oppression of Quebec and for its right to self-determination.

The CCL(ML) must assume right from the start the task of leading the working class against is enemies, of struggling against the bourgeoisie and its state, of taking up the flag of Canadian national independence threatened by the two superpowers and of preparing the Canadian people for the eventuality of war. But the class struggle of the proletariat for its emancipation and for that of all the oppressed people can only be victorious if it is lead by a revolutionary party which bases its action on the science of Marxism-Leninism. It is the central task of the CCL(ML) to create this party. We have full confidence in the future. The final victory of the proletariat of socialism and then of communism is inscribed in the laws of social development – it is inevitable.