Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Communist Committee

“Three Worlds” Theory: Anti-Leninist Deception of the Masses


On July 7, 1977, Zerl i Popullit, organ of the Central Committee of the Party of Labor of Albania, published, “The Theory and Practice of the Revolution.” Together with the report of Enver Hoxha to the 7th Congress of the PLA, this historic editorial exposes the anti-Leninist nature of the “three worlds” theory. As in the 1960’s, the PLA has today re-asserted the principles of Marxism-Leninism, providing theoretical guidance for revolutionary forces throughout the world.

Using the concrete examples of the European Common Market and the re-negotiation of the Panama Canal Treaty, we have attempted to demonstrate the correctness of the Albanian view of the international situation. Any analyses critical of the “three worlds” theory, however, face great censorship restrictions from the existing bookstores. China Books and Periodicals, a major distributor, has made a policy decision against even carrying the editorial itself. We hope, therefore, that all Marxist-Leninists and progressive people who are studying, “The Theory and Practice of the Revolution,” will do what they can to further its distribution. Copies are available from Albania Report, P.O. Box 912, New York, N.Y. 10008.

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