Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line


“ML”OC vs. Leninism


NOTE: The Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee (MLOC) has recently initiated and founded the so-called “Communist Party USA (Marxist-Leninist)” (“CPUSA (M-L)”. In preparation for this, they ran a slanderous article in the December 1, 1978 issue of their newspaper “Unite”, attacking by name almost every other Marxist-Leninist circle in the US that also opposes Chinese revisionism. In light of the fact that MLOC’s “party” is now parading all over the world and advertising itself to the international communist movement as the “vanguard of the US proletariat”, because we must refute MLOC’s unprincipled attacks, and in order to show just how it is MLOC that has historically and consistently violated every major tenet of Lenin and Leninism on the party, we present this critique of MLOC and their party-building motion.

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It has only been a relatively short time since the Party of Labor of Albania opened the struggle in the international communist movement against the “theory of the three worlds” and Chinese revisionism. In the US, a number of circles came forward and united in the main with the PLA’s views on the international situation. But beyond this, there were still many critical differences among them. General unity on the international situation provided a start for the formation of a new Leninist trend and eventually a new Marxist-Leninist party, but only a start. Clear lines of demarcation remained to be drawn among the various circles.

Now it appears that two of these circles, the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee (MLOC) and the Committee for A Proletarian Party (CPP), have formally exited from the ranks of these circles and declared themselves, with MLOC in the lead, a “party”, the so-called “CPUSA (M-L).” This is not surprising, but merely the logical conclusion of the course chartered by MLOC for some time. MLOC and CPP have thus chosen to abandon and no longer participate either in the struggle of the rest of these circles to build a party, or in the continuing and sharpening ideological struggle among these forces. This means that they have dropped all pretense of participating in the struggle to build a real party, and that they are therefore consolidating as a new right opportunist trend around a new opportunist line that liquidates the central task of party-building by claiming that it has already been built. As a result, the incomplete tasks of party-building today rest solely with those outside of MLOC’s “party”.

As a kind of resignation speech from the ranks of these circles, MLOC and CPP have issued a series of attacks on almost every other circle, most notably in their articles in the Dec. 1, 1978 issue of “Unite”, MLOC’s newspaper We must respond to these attacks not only to expose MLOC and Co., hut also to clarify our own position on the burning questions of our movement so we can contribute to the drawing of clear lines of demarcation between Marxism-Leninism and revisionism and to the establishment of a firm, principled basis of unity for the genuine Marxist-Leninist forces.