Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Draft Party Program

VI. Fight the Class War on Every Front, Fight Until Victory!

The road of this program is the road of class struggle, victory over the bourgeoisie and its collaborators and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, socialism and communism.

This is the only road that can win better conditions of life, genuine democracy, peace and equality for the proletariat and its allies.

This is the only road out of the crisis of capitalism, the only road out of exploitation and oppression, the only road that can prevent imperialist world war and an end to the savage dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and world reaction.

Working men and women of the United States, rise up and wage the class struggle! Rise up as an army to fight for the dictatorship of the proletariat!

Workers of all nationalities, oppressed nations and national minorities, small farmers and revolutionary people of the United States, unite in the struggle against the bourgeoisie! Build the CPUSA (M-L) and follow the lead of the proletariat and its Party on the road of socialist revolution and liberation!

Rally to the banner of the CPUSA(M-L)! Fight for the dictatorship of the proletariat!

The Future Belongs to the Proletariat and its Allies! We Have a World To Win!

Workers, Oppressed Nations and People of the World, Unite!