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Dissident Cuban Communism
The Case of Trotskyism, 1932-1965
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Archivo Histórico Provincial de Santiago de Cuba, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
Fondo Audencia de Oriente, Sala de Urgencia.
Fondo Audencia de Oriente, Tribuna de Defensa Nacional.

Archivo Nacional de Cuba, Havana, Cuba.
Fondo Especial.

Brynmor Jones Library, University of Hull, Great Britain.

British Library Newspaper Library, London, Great Britain.

Biblioteca Nacional José Martí, Havana, Cuba.
Colección Reserva.

Centre d’études et de Recherches sur les Mouvements Trotskystes et Révolutionnaires Internationaux, Paris, France.

Centro Studi Pietro Tresso, Foligno, Italy.

Hoover Institution, Stanford, California, USA.
Bertram Wolfe Collection.
Socialist Workers’ Party Collection.

Houghton Library, Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA.
Satellite Collection of Octavio Fernández.
Trotsky Archive.

Idalberto Ferrera Acosta’s personal archive, Havana, Cuba.

Instituto de Historia de Cuba (archive), Havana, Cuba.
Fondo Leornardo Fernández Sánchez.
Fondo Personalidad.
Fondo Primer Partido Marxista Leninista.
Fondo Vilaseca.
Registro General.

Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Lev Trotsky and the ILO/ICL Collection.

Marx Memorial Library, London, Great Britain.

New York Public Library, New York, USA.

Oficina de Asuntos Históricos, Havana, Cuba.
Fondo Pablo Díaz González.

Olga Cabrera García’s personal archive, Goias, Brasil.

Pierre Broué’s personal archive, St. Martin D’Héres, France.

Prometheus Research Library, New York, USA.

Robert J Alexander’s personal archive, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA.

Rafael Solér Martínez’s personal archive, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
Luis Miyares’ Archive.

Rossiiskii Tsentr Khraneniia i Izucheniia Dokumentov Noveishei Istorii, Moscow, Russia. Fond 495, opis 105. (The Cuban Communist Party, 1919-38.)

Socialist Platform archive, London, Great Britain.

Socialist Workers’ Party (United States) archive, New York, USA.

Taniment Institute Library, New York, USA.
Shachtman Papers.

United States National Archives, Maryland, USA.
Record Group 59.

Widener Library, Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA.


2.1 Cuban Trotskyist Newspapers and Journals

Cuba Obrera (Havana), 1940-1941. Partido Obrero Revolucionario.

Noticiero Bolchevique (Havana), 1936. Partido Bolchevique Leninista.

Revolución Proletaria (Havana), 1944-1946. Partido Obrero Revolucionario.

Voz Proletaria (Havana), 1960-1964. Partido Obrero Revolucionario (Trotskista).

2.2 Principal Cuban Trotskyist Pamphlets and Leaflets

Buró de Oposición Comunista, ¿Que Significa el Congreso de la U.F.O.N.?, Santiago de Cuba, 15 January 1933.

Central Committee of the Oposición Comunista, En el Camino de la Revolución, Havana, 10 May 1933.

Central Committee of the Oposición Comunista, Estatutos de la Oposición Comunista de Cuba, Havana, 30 June 1933.

Central Committee of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, Estatutos del Partido Bolchevique Leninista, Havana, 15 September 1933.

Central Committee of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, A Todos los Obreros y Campesinos. Al Pueblo de Cuba, 25 September 1933.

Central Committee of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, Programa del Partido Bolchevique Leninista, Havana, 1934.

Central Committee of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, A las Masas Trabajadoras de Cuba, Havana, 15 October 1939.

Central Committee of the Partido Obrero Revolucionario, ¡Aprestémonos a la Defensa Armada de Nuestros Derechos Democráticos!, Havana, 14 December 1941.

Central Committee of the Sindicato General de Empleados del Comercio de Cuba, El Sindicato General de Empleados del Comercio de Cuba Frente al IV Congreso Obrero Nacional, Havana, Federación Obrera de La Habana, 12 January 1934.

Central Committee of the Sindicato General de Empleados del Comercio, A Todos los Empleados del Comercio, Organizados y no Organizados. A los Empleados Ocupados y Desocupados. A Todos los Trabajadores en General, Havana, 1 April 1934.

Federación Obrera de La Habana, Sindicato General de Empleados Del Comercio De Cuba Frente Al IV Congreso Obrero Nacional, Havana, 12 January 1934.

Federación Obrera de La Habana, ¿Cual Es La Salida?, Havana, 2 July 1934.

Guantánamo Sectional Committee of the Partido Obrero Revolucionario, ¡Hagamos de la Victoria Obtenida el 1º de Junio un Paso Decisivo en el Camino de la Liberación Nacional y Social de Cuba!, Guantánamo, 3 June 1944.

Guantánamo Sectional Committee of the Partido Obrero Revolucionario (Trotskista), ¡Obreros de Cuba!, Guantánamo, 2 June 1943.

Junco, S, ¡¡Fuera Caretas!! Contra la Demagogia, las Vilezas y a la Incapacidad de los Líderes de la C.N.O.C., Havana, January 1934.

La Voz Revolucionaria del Trotskismo en el III Congreso Nacional Obrero, Havana, Ediciones ‘Cuba Obrera’, nd.

Manifesto Programa del Buró de Oposición Comunista de Santiago de Cuba, Santiago de Cuba, January 1933.

Mesa Ejecutiva de la Federación Obrera de La Habana, A Todos los Obreros de la Provincia, Havana, 18 September 1933.

Mesa Ejecutiva de la Federación Obrera de La Habana, A Todos los Obreros de la Provincia. Al Pueblo de Cuba, Havana, 30 September 1933.

Mesa Ejecutiva de la Federación Obrera de La Habana, A Todas las Organizaciones Federadas y Afines, Havana, 18 November 1933.

Oriente District Committee of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, Manifesto del Partido Bolchevique-Leninista, Santiago de Cuba, December 1933.

Partido Bolchevique Leninista, ¡Obreros! ¡Defendemos la Unión Soviética!, June 1941.

Partido Obrero Revolucionario (Trotskista), Las Tareas Económicas y la Política del Estado Obrero, Havana, Ediciones Voz Proletaria, September 1963.

Santiago de Cuba Sectional Committee of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, Al Pueblo de Cuba, November 1941.

Tejera, R, Leon Trotsky, Havana, 1948.

Trade Union Department of the Guantánamo Section of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, A los Obreros de los Centrales y Sus Colonias. A Toda la Clase Obrera, Guantánamo, 25 January 1940.

Trotskyist Fraction, El VI Congreso Nacional Obrero, Culminación de Once Años de Traición y Entreguismo en el Movimiento Sindical, Havana, 6 May 1949.

V. I. Lenin ‘Testamento Político’, Leon Trotsky El ‘Testamento de Lenin’, Tesis Fundamentales de la Revolución Permanente, Havana, Ediciones Voz Proletaria, nd.

2.3 Principal Reports, Correspondence and Other Unpublished Documents

Boletín Interior del Partido Obrero Revolucionario, Year 1, No. 1, March 1946.

Central Committee of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, Tesis Política, Havana, 25 October 1935.

Central Committee of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, A Todas las Secciones, Células y Militantes del Partido, Havana, 24 October 1936.

Central Committee of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista of Cuba, Bilan et Perspectives + Programme de Revendications Démocratiques + Programme d’Action, Havana, 25 October 1935.

Central Committee of the Partido Obrero Revolucionario, Declaración de Principios del Partido Obrero Revolucionario, Havana, October 1940.

Central Control Commission of the Partido Comunista de Cuba, Resolución sobre el c. Gomez-Villar, Havana, 24 August 1932.

Fracción Comunista del Ala Izquierda Estudiantil de Cuba, Al Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, Havana, 5 October 1932.

Gómez Villar, A, ‘A Propósito del Primer Congreso del Partido’, Untitled Internal Document of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, April 1934.

Gómez Villar, A, ‘El Frente Único de los Stalinistas y de los Bolcheviques en Victoria de las Tunas’, Untitled Internal Document of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, April 1934.

Gómez Villar, A, ‘Importante’, Untitled Internal Document of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, April 1934.

Gómez Villar, A, ‘La Conferencia Nacional de los Empleados del Comercio’, Untitled Internal Document of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, April 1934.

Gómez Villar, A, ‘La Reaparición de ‘RAYO’’, Untitled Internal Document of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, April 1934.

Gómez Villar, A, ‘Las Luchas en los Sindicatos y el Porque de la Alianza Obrera’, Untitled Internal Document of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, April 1934.

Gómez Villar, A, ‘Los Camaradas de Oriente y el Caso de Guantánamo’, Untitled Internal Document of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, April 1934.

Gómez Villar, A, Resolution On The Present Political Situation And Our Tasks, Havana, 16 October 1934.

Letter from A. J. Muste for the National Committee of the Workers’ Party of the U.S. to the Central Committee of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista of Cuba, New York, 8 January 1935.

The free translation of the letter from the Partido Bolchevique Leninista to the International Secretariat of the International Communist League, signed by G. Capablanca (Gastón Medina), the General Secretary of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista, Havana, 20 March 1935.

Letter from the Bolshevik Leninist Party, the Cuban section of the International Communist League, to Comrade Gonzalez in New York. Signed and dated in Havana by the General Secretary, G. Capablanca on 15 April 1935.

Letter from Manuel López to G. Melt, Santiago de Cuba, 11 September 1936.

Letter from José López to the Political Bureau of the Bolshevik-Leninists of Cuba, 21 October 1938.

Letter from the Provisional Executive Commission of the Partido Bolchevique Leninista to C. Munis, Havana, 2 May 1940.

Letter from the Political Bureau of the Partido Obrero Revolucionario to the Latin American Department of the Fourth International, Havana, 26 March 1941.

Letter from the International Executive Committee and the Latin American Department of the Fourth International to the Santiago de Cuba Comrades, 16 August 1941.

Letter from Pablo Díaz González to Morris Stein, Havana, 9 May 1948.

Letter from R. Carvajal to Joseph Hansen, Havana, 27 May 1961.

Letter from R. Carvajal to Joseph Hansen, Havana, 8 June 1961.

Partido Comunista de Cuba, Draft ‘Resolución sobre la Oposición en el Partido’, 1 November 1932.

Pérez Santiesteban, R, Por una Rectificación del Curso Político del M.S.R., Havana, 18 April 1948.

Provisional Executive Commission of the Bolshevik Leninist Party of Cuba, Resolution on the Problem of the Opposition in the S.W.P., Havana, 11 May 1940.

2.4 Cuban Labour Movement and Communist Party Press

Bandera Roja (Havana), 1933-1937.
Boletín de la Unión Sindical de Artes Gráficas (Havana), 1934.
El Comunista (Havana), 1940.
Cultura Proletaria (Havana), 1933.
Dialéctica (Havana), 1937-1938.
Fundamentos (Havana), 1941.
Lucha de Clases (Havana), 1925-1927.
Noticias de Hoy (Havana), 1938-1962.
El Obrero Panadero (Havana), 1933.
El Repartidor (Havana), 1938.

2.5 International Trotskyist and Official Communist Press

Boletín de Información (New York), 1938-1939.
Boletín de la Oposición Comunista (Mexico D.F.), 1930.
Boletín Sudamericano (Buenos Aires), 1943.
Claridad Proletaria (New York), 1933-34.
Clave (Mexico D.F.), 1939-1941.
The Communist International (London), 1932-1934.
The Communist International (New York), 1930 -1939.
Comunismo (Madrid), 1933-34.
Fourth International (New York), 1940-1956.
Fourth International (Amsterdam/Paris), 1958-1964.
Fourth International (London), 1964-1966.
Frente Obrero (Montevideo), 1963-1965.
Intercontinental Press (New York), 1968-1986.
International Bulletin (New York), 1940.
International Press Correspondence (Berlin, Vienna, London), 1921-1937.
Labor Action (New York), 1940-1958.
Labour Review (London), 1957-1963.
Lutte Communiste (Paris), 1962-1967.
The Militant (New York), 1928-1934.
The Militant (New York), 1941-1965.
New International (New York), 1934-1936.
New International (New York), 1938-1958.
New Militant (New York), 1934-36.
The Newsletter (London), 1957-1969.
Quatrième Internationale (Paris), 1959-1962.
Socialist Appeal (New York), 1937-1941.
Spartacist (New York), 1965.
El Trabajador Latino Americano (Montevideo), 1928-1935.
Voz Obrera (Mexico), 1963-1964.
World Outlook (New York), 1963-1968.

2.6 Edited Contemporary Works and Memoirs

Allen, N (ed.), Leon Trotsky: The Challenge of the Left Opposition (1923-25), New York, Pathfinder Press, 1975.

Allen, N, and Saunders, G (eds), Leon Trotsky: The Challenge of the Left Opposition (1926-27), New York, Pathfinder Press, 1980.

Allen, N, and Saunders, G (eds), Leon Trotsky: The Challenge of the Left Opposition (1928-29), New York, Pathfinder Press, 1981.

Breitman, G, and Maisel, M (eds), The Struggle against Fascism in Germany, New York, Pathfinder Press, 1971.

Breitman, G (et al., eds), Writings of Leon Trotsky (1929-1940), New York, Pathfinder Press, 1972-80.

Breitman, G (ed.), Writings of Leon Trotsky: Supplement (1929-33), New York, Pathfinder Press, 1979.

Cannon, JP, Writings and Speeches, 1932-34: The Communist League of America 1932-34, New York, Monad Press, 1985.

Claraval, B, Cuando Fui Comunista, Mexico D.F., Ediciones Polis, 1944.

Degras, J (ed.), The Communist International 1919-1943: Documents, Vol. 1, London, Oxford University Press, 1956.

Deutscher, I (ed.), The Age of Permanent Revolution: A Trotsky Anthology, New York, Dell Publishing Co., 1964.

El Movimiento Revolucionario Latinoamericano: Versiones de la Primera Conferencia Comunista Latino Americana, Junio de 1929, Buenos Aires, La Correspondencia Sudamericana, nd.

Evans, L, and Block, R (eds), Leon Trotsky on China, New York, Monad Press, 1976.

Gilly, A, Monthly Review: Inside the Cuban Revolution, Vol. 16, No. 6, October 1964.

Guevara, E, ‘Cuba: Exceptional Case?’, Monthly Review, July-August 1961, pp. 56-71.

Guevara, E, Escritos Económicos, Córdoba: Argentina, Ediciones Pasado y Presente, 1969.

Guevara, E, El Socialismo y el Hombre en Cuba, Havana, Editora Política, 1988.

Guevara, E, Episodes of the Cuban Revolutionary War 1956-58, New York, Pathfinder Press, 1996.

Hansen, J, Dynamics of the Cuban Revolution, New York, Pathfinder Press, 1978.

Instituto de Historia del Movimiento Comunista y de la Revolución Socialista de Cuba (ed.), J.A. Mella: Documentos y Artículos, Havana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1975.

Lenin, VI, The April Theses, Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1951.

Losovsky, A, El Movimiento Sindical Latino Americano (Sus Virtudes y sus Defectos), Montevideo, Ediciones del Comité Pro Confederación Sindical Latino Americano, March 1929.

Low, M, and Breá, J, Red Spanish Notebook, London, Martin Secker and Warburg, 1937.

Low, M, and Breá, J, La Verdad Contemporánea, Havana, 1943.

Low, M, and Breá, J, Red Spanish Notebook, San Francisco: CA, City Lights Books, 1979.

Lübbe, P (ed.), Ruth Fischer / Arkadij Maslow: Abtrünnig wider Willen, Munich, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1990.

Luxemburg, R, The Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism?, Michigan, The University of Michigan Press, 1961.

Mariátegui, JC, ‘The Anti-Imperialist Perspective’, New Left Review, No. 70, November-December 1971, pp. 67-72.

Marx, K, The Class Struggles in France (1848-50), London, Martin Lawrence, nd.

Marx, K, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1977.

Marx, K, and Engels, F, ‘Address of the Central Authority to the League’, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Collected Works, Vol. 10, London, Lawrence and Wishart, 1978, pp. 277-287.

Mella, JA, ¿Qué Es el ARPA?, Lima, Editorial Educación, 1975.

Mella, JA, Escritos Revolucionarios, Mexico D.F., Siglo Veintiuno, 1978.

Mella, JA, ‘Proyecto de Tesis sobre la Unidad Sindical Latinoamericana’, Memoria (Centro de Estudios del Movimiento Socialista, Mexico), Vol. 1, No. 6, February-March 1984, p. 125-138.

Pearlman, M (ed.), The Heroic and Creative Meaning of Socialism: Selected Essays of José Carlos Mariátegui, New Jersey, Humanities Press, 1996.

The Platform of the Joint Opposition 1927, London, New Park Publications, 1973.

Ramírez Acosta, G, Autobiografía de Guarina de la Caridad Ramírez Acosta, Havana, 12 July 1985. (Unpublished)

Reisner, W (ed.), Documents of the Fourth International: The Formative Years (1933-40), New York, Pathfinder Press, 1973.

Revista ‘Comunismo’ (1931-34), Barcelona, Editorial Fontamara, 1978.

Rigaudias, L, Unpublished Manuscript of the Memoirs of Louis Rigaudias, pp. 208-217. (Translation by Margaret ‘Gretl’ Glogau.)

Roca, B, ‘Estados Unidos, Teheran y la América Latina: Una Carta a Earl Browder’, In: Quintanilla Obregón, L (ed.), Lombardismo y Sindicatos en América Latina, Mexico D.F., Ediciones Nueva Sociología, 1982, pp. 271-302.

Sorel, G, Reflections on Violence, New York, Collier, 1972.

Theses, Resolutions and Manifestos of the First Four Congresses of the Third International, London, Pluto Press, 1983.

Tibol, R, Julio Antonio Mella en el Machete, Mexico D.F., Fondo de Cultura Popular, 1968.

The Transitional Programme: The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International, London, New Park Publications, 1980.

Trotsky, LD, Por los Estados Unidos Socialistas de América Latina, Buenos Aires, Ediciones Coyoacán, 1961.

Trotsky, LD, The Permanent Revolution. Results and Prospects (1906), London, New Park Publications, 1962.

Trotsky, LD, History of the Russian Revolution, London, Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1965.

Trotsky, LD, Problems of the Chinese Revolution, Ann Arbor: MI, University of Michigan Press, 1967.

Trotsky, LD, The Spanish Revolution (1931-39), New York, Pathfinder Press, 1973.

Trotsky, LD, The Third International after Lenin, London, New Park Publications, 1974.

Trotsky, LD, My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1975.

Trotsky, LD, The Transitional Program for Socialist Revolution, New York, Pathfinder Press, 1977.

Trotsky, LD, Sobre la Liberación Nacional, Bogota, Editorial Pluma, 1980.

Trotsky, LD, Escritos Latinoamericanos, Buenos Aires, Centro de Estudios, Investigaciones y Publicaciones León Trotsky, 1999.

Trotskyism Versus Revisionism: A Documented History, Vols 1-6, London, New Park Publications, 1974-75.

2.7 Unpublished Written Testimonies

Letters to Gary Tennant:
Guillermo Cabrera Infante. Exiled Cuban writer.
Angel L. Fanjul. Argentinian Trotskyist active in Cuba in 1960s
Adolfo Malvagni Gilly. Argentinian Trotskyist active in Cuba in 1960s.
Louis Rigaudias. Turkish-born Trotskyist active in Cuba in 1940s.
Margaret ‘Gretl’ Glogau. Companion of Louis Rigaudias in Cuba in 1940s.
Mary Low Machado. Australian-born Trotskyist active in Cuba from 1940 until 1964.
Ricardo Napuri. Peruvian who as a leader of the Argentinian Grupo Praxis led by Silvio Frondizi collaborated with Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara in Cuba in the early 1960s.
Tim Wohlforth. Leading U.S. Trotskyist in the 1960s.
Alberto Sendic. Uruguayan Trotskyist active in Cuba in 1960s.

Letters and Manuscripts of interviews given to Robert J. Alexander:
Antonio Alonso ávila. Exiled Cuban historian.
Joseph Hansen. Leading U.S. Trotskyist in the 1960s.
Charles Simeón Ramírez. General Secretary of the Cuban PBL in the late 1930s.
Raul Valdivia. Auténtico trade union leader.

Letters and Manuscripts of interviews given to Rafael Soler Martínez:
Bélgica Fraga. Daughter of Cuban Trotskyist, Gustavo Fraga Jacomino.
Gustavo Fraga Velez. Son of Cuban Trotskyist, Gustavo Fraga Jacomino.
Luciano García Pellicier. Cuban Trotskyist (1930s-60s).
Manuel García Suárez. Cuban Trotskyist (1930s).
Sergio Mateo. Student activist and Guiterista during the Revolution of the 1930s.
Luis Miyares. Cuban Trotskyist (1930s).
Carlos M. Padrón Ferrer. Exiled Cuban Trotskyist (1930s).
Carlos Padrón. Son of Cuban Trotskyist, Carlos M. Padrón Ferrer.
José Antonio Portuondo. Student activist during the Revolution of the 1930s.
Pedro Verdecie Pérez. Cuban Trotskyist (1930s).

Manuscript of an interview given by Roberto Acosta Hechavarría to Tano Nariño, Havana, 13 April 1990.

2.8 Interviews

Rafael Acosta de Arribas. Son of Cuban Trotskyist, Roberto Acosta Hechavarría.
Carmen de Arribas. Wife of Cuban Trotskyist, Roberto Acosta Hechavarría.
Olga Cabrera García. Exiled Cuban historian.
Orlando Cruz Capote. Cuban historian.
Idalberto Ferrera Acosta. Cuban Trotskyist (1930s to date).
Juan León Ferrera Ramírez. Cuban Trotskyist (1950s to date).
Guarina Ramírez Acosta. Cuban Trotskyist (1950-60s).
Octavio Louit Venzant. Guantánamo railway worker and leader of the M26J Workers’ Section.
Mary Low Machado. Australian-born Trotskyist active in Cuba from 1940 until 1964.
Fernando Martínez Heredia. Cuban historian.
Francisco Medina Escobar. Brother of Cuban Trotskyist, Gastón Medina Escobar.
Mario Medina Escobar. Brother of Cuban Trotskyist, Gastón Medina Escobar.
Mario Mencía. Cuban historian.
José A. Tabares del Real. Cuban historian.
Roberto Tejera. Cuban Trotskyist.
Carlos del Toro González. Cuban historian.


3.1 Books

Aguilar, LE (ed.), Marxism in Latin America, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1968.

Aguilar, LE, Cuba 1933: Prologue to Revolution, Ithaca: NY, Cornell University Press, 1972.

Aguilar, LE, ‘Cuba c.1860—c.1930’, In: Bethell, L (ed.), Cuba: A Short History, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp. 21-55.

Alba, V, Esquema Histórico del Comunismo en Iberoamérica, Mexico D.F., Ediciones Occidentales, 1960.

Alba, V, Historia del Movimiento Obrero en América Latina, Mexico D.F., Editorial Limusa Wiley, 1964.

Alba, V, Politics and the Labor Movement in Latin America, Stanford: CA, Stanford University Press, 1968.

Alba, V, and Schwartz, S, Spanish Marxism Versus Soviet Communism, New Brunswick: NJ, Transaction Books, 1988.

Alba, V (et al.), Andreu Nin i el Socialisme, Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 1998.

Alexander, RJ, Communism in Latin America, New Brunswick: NJ, Rutgers University Press, 1957.

Alexander, RJ (ed.), Aprismo: The Ideas and Doctrines of Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, Ohio, Kent State University Press, 1973.

Alexander, RJ, Trotskyism in Latin America, Stanford: CA, Hoover Institution Press, 1973.

Alexander, RJ, The Right Opposition: The Lovestoneites and the International Communist Opposition in the 1930s, Westport: CT, Greenwood Press, 1981.

Alexander, RJ (ed.), Biographical Dictionary of Latin American and Caribbean Political Leaders, Westport: CT, Greenwood Press, 1988.

Alexander, RJ, International Trotskyism 1929-1985: A Documented Analysis of the Movement, Durham: NC, Duke University Press, 1991.

Anderson, JL, Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life, London, Bantam Press, 1997.

Angell, A, ‘The Left in Latin America since c. 1920’, In: Bethell, L (ed.), The Cambridge History of Latin America, Vol. 6, Part 2, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. 163-232.

Barckhausen-Canale, C, Verdad y Leyenda de Tina Modotti, Havana, Ediciones Casa de las Américas, 1989.

Baumann, GG, Los Voluntarios Latinoamericanos en la Guerra Civil Española, San José: Costa Rica, Editorial Guayacán Centroamericana, 1997.

Becker, J, and Jentsch, H, ‘Heinrich Brandler—Biographische Skizze, 1924-1967’, Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung (Berlin), Vol. 6, 1998, pp. 305-329.

Benton, G, China’s Urban Revolutionaries: Explorations in the History of Chinese Trotskyism, 1921-1952, New Jersey, Humanities Press, 1996.

Bethell, L (ed.), Cuba: A Short History, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Bethell, L, and Roxborough, I (eds), Latin America Between the Second World War and the Cold War, 1944-1948, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Boersner, D, The Bolsheviks and the National and Colonial Question (1917-1928), Geneva, Librairie E. Droz and Paris, Librairie Minard, 1957.

Bonachea, RL, and San Martín, M, The Cuban Insurrection 1952-1959, New Brunswick: NJ, Transaction Books, 1974.

Bornstein, S, and Richardson, A, Against the Stream: A History of the Trotskyist Movement in Britain 1924-38, London, Socialist Platform, 1986.

Bonachea, RE, and Valdes, NP (eds), Che: Selected Works of Ernesto Che Guevara, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 1969.

Brewer, A, Marxist Theories of Imperialism: A Critical Survey, London, Routledge, 1990.

Brotherstone, T, and Dukes, P (eds), The Trotsky Reappraisal, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1992.

Broué, P, Histoire de l’Internationale Communiste, 1919-1943, Paris, Fayard, 1997.

Brunner, D, ‘Fritz Lamm—Exil in Kuba’, In: Grebing, H, and Wickert, C (eds), Das ‘andere Deutschland’ im Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus, Essen, Klartext Verlag, 1994, pp. 146-172.

Buell, RL (et al.), Problems of the New Cuba: Report of the Commission on Cuban Affairs, New York, Foreign Policy Association Inc., 1935.

Caballero, M, atin America and the Comintern, 1919-1943, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986.

Cabrera, O, El Movimiento Obrero Cubano en 1920, Havana, Instituto del Libro, 1970.

Cabrera, O (ed.), Antonio Guiteras: Su Pensamiento Revolucionario, Havana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1974.

Cabrera, O, Guiteras, la época, el Hombre, Havana, Editorial de Arte y Literatura, 1974.

Cabrera, O, and Almodóbar, C (eds), Las Luchas Estudiantiles Universitarias 1923-1934, Havana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1975.

Cabrera, O, Los que Viven por Sus Manos, Havana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1985.

Cabrera, O, Alfredo López: Maestro del Proletariado Cubano, Havana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1985.

Callinicos, A, Trotskyism, Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 1990.

Cantón Navarro, J, Cuba: El Desafío del Yugo y la Estrella, Havana, Editorial SI-MAR, 1996.

Carr, B, Marxism and Communism in Twentieth-Century Mexico, Lincoln: NE, University of Nebraska, 1992.

Carr, B, ‘From Caribbean Backwater to Revolutionary Opportunity: Cuba’s Evolving Relationship with the Comintern, 1925-34’, In: Rees, T, and Thorpe, A (eds), International Communism and the Communist International 1919-43, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1998, pp. 234-253.

Carr, EH, Foundations of a Planned Economy: 1926-29, Vol. 3, London, Macmillan Press, 1978.

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Thesis Contents