Vietnam Subject Index | Encyclopedia of Trotskyism | Marxists’ Internet Archive

Vietnam & Trotskyism

A series of articles by Simon Pirani reprinted from the Workers Press together with supplementary material.

Written: 1986 / 87.
First Published: 1987.
Source: Published by the Communist League (Australia).
Transcription / HTML Markup: Sean Robertson and David Walters for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

Copyleft: Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line ( 2013. Permission is granted to copy and / or distribute this document under the terms of the Creative Commons license. Please cite any editors, proofreaders and formatters noted above along with any other publishing information including the URL of this document.

Battle for Trotskyism

Further Reading

The history of the Vietnamese Trotskyist and Stalinist movements is dealt with in National Movements and Class Struggle in Vietnam by Anh Van and Jacqueline Roussel, New Park Publications 1987. Books covering the subject include Marxism in South East Asia, edited by F. Trager, Stanford U. P. 1960, Vietnamese Communism by Huynh Kim Khanh, Cornell University 1982, and Vietnamese Communism: It’s Origin and Development, by Robert Turner, Hoover, Stanford, 1975.

In French, Revolutionnaires Vietnamiens et Pouvoir Colonial en Indochine by Daniel Hemery, Maspero, Paris 1975, deals specifically with the ‘Struggle’ front of the 1930s. Les travailleurs indochinois en France pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, by Benjamin Stora, Les Cahiers du CERMTRI No 28, April 1983, deals with the Indochinese immigrant workers’ movement in France. The biography Nha Cach Mang Ta Thu Thau 1906-1945, Saigon, Khai Tn, 1974 only exists in Vietnamese at the moment.

Good general histories include Vietnam by Stanley Karnow. Penguin 1984; more detailed is Vietnam: A Dragon Embattled by J. Buttinger, Pall Mall Press, London 1967. The Struggle for Indo China by Ellen Hammer, Stanford U. P. 1966, deals specifically with the period during and after world war II.

Within the Trotskyist movement, the issue of Vietnam was discussed in On the Nature of the Vietnamese Communist Party by George Johnson and Fred Feldman, International Socialist Review, July-August 1973, The Vietnamese Revolution and the Role of the Party by Pierre Rousset and Vietnam, Stalinism and the Post-war Socialist Revolutions by Johnson and Feldman, ISR April 1974. The only work produced within the International Committee of the FI was Stalinism and the Liberation of Vietnam by Stephen Johns, Fourth International, Autumn 1975, and Vietnam and the World Revolution by M McLaughlin, Labour Press. Detroit 1985.

In Spanish, Las Revolucions China E Indochina by Nahuel Moreno, Ediciones La Verdad, Buenos Aires 1973, deals with some of the questions raised by those struggles; part of this work appears in English in Fifty Years of World Revolution 1917-1967, Merit, New York 1968.

There are plenty of Stalinist versions of Vietnamese history, including Fifty Years of Activities of the CP in Vietnam, Hanoi 1980. Ho Chi Minh’s Works, and The Military Art of People’s War by Vo Nguyen Giap.

On the broader problems posed by post-war revolutionary movements, Communism Since World War II by Adam Westoby, Harvestor Press 1981, surveys the subject thoroughly and touches on the theoretical problems, albeit not from a Trotskyist standpoint. Maoism is dealt with exhaustively in The Chinese CP in Power by Peng Shu-tse, Monad Press, NY 1980, and China After Mao by Les Evans, Monad Press. 1978; the history of Chinese Trotskyists is outlined in Chinese Revolutionary, the memoirs of Wang Fanxi, Oxford UP. 1980.

S.P. 21.7.1987

Vietnam Subject Index | Encyclopedia of Trotskyism | Marxists’ Internet Archive