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Socialist Appeal, 9 December 1939

Stalin’s Invasion of Finland

Statement of Policy by the Political Committee
of the Socialist Workers Party

From Socialist Appeal, Vol. II No. 92, 9 December 1939, pp. 1 & 2.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.


1. The invasion of Finland by the Red Army is an incident in the Second World War which is now only in its tentative and initial stages of development.

2. The character of the Second World War is that of an imperialist struggle for the redivision of the earth. Despite present alliances, or future changes in the alignment of the powers, the class antagonism between the imperialist states and the Soviet Union as a degenerated workers state retains its full force. From this must follow an inevitable attempt on the part of the imperialists of one camp or another or in a combination, to attack the Soviet Union in order to destroy the economic conquests of the October Revolution and open up the territory of the Soviet Union for capitalist exploitation.

3. Finland is not an independent small state fighting for its independence against an imperialist power. Bourgeois Finland is and always has been a vassal state of the imperialists and an outpost of imperialism on the Russian border.

4. In the present conflict the imperialist powers of the United States and Great Britain stand behind Finland and inspire its foreign policy in relation to the Soviet Union. The diplomatic and propagandistic intervention of the Roosevelt administration on the side of bourgeois Finland is not motivated by “humanitarian” considerations but by the class interests and the future military designs of the Wall Street masters of the government.

5. Stalinist policy in the conflict with Finland is characteristic of Stalinist policy as a whole: the protection of the interests and privileges of the bureaucracy in utter disregard of the sentiments and interests of the world proletariat. The means and methods it employs to gain military and strategic advantages repel the sympathy and support of the workers and oppressed peoples, and thus undermine the real defense of the Soviet Union to such an extent as to outweigh by far the immediate military and strategic advantages that may be gained by the conflict with Finland. From this point of view – that is, the real defense of the Soviet Union against the imperialists – the Fourth International has always condemned the foreign policy of Stalinism and condemns it in the present situation. The real defense of the conquests of the October Revolution requires, now more than ever, an unceasing struggle of the workers for the overthrow of the Stalinist bureaucracy by means of a political revolution.

6. Proceeding from the foregoing points, in accord with the program of the Fourth International, our basic attitude in the present military conflict between the Soviet Union and Finland is as follows:

  1. For the Fourth Internationalists in the United States: Revolutionary defeatism – the main enemy is in our own country! No support, direct or indirect, to the imperialist government of the United States or its Finnish satellite. Expose and denounce the policy of Washington as political and diplomatic preparation for war against the Soviet Union. For the unconditional defense of the Soviet Union. Expose and denounce the methods of Stalinism which compromise the Soviet Union and weaken its defense.
  2. For the Fourth Internationalists in Finland: revolutionary defeatism – the main enemy is in our own country! The first task of the Finnish workers remains an irreconcilable struggle for the overthrow of their own bourgeoisie. Not a man, not a gun, not a cent for the war of the Finnish bourgeois government against the Soviet Union. Work for the defeat of the Finnish bourgeois government in the war. Aim at the creation of an independent Soviet Finland free from the domination of the Stalinist bureaucracy. If that is not possible in the immediate situation because of the unfavorable relation of forces, political unpreparedness, and military weakness – as is almost certainly the case in the present circumstances – utilize the defeat of the bourgeois Finnish Army by the Red Army to arouse the masses to press forward for the complete expropriation of the Finnish capitalists and landlords immediately after the victory of the Red Army. Organize for the maximum independence of the workers from the Stalinist bureaucracy, and thus prepare its future overthrow. In the present military struggle a victory of the Red Army is a “lesser evil” than the victory of the army of the Finnish puppet government of Wall Street and London. The Finnish Fourth Internationalists are partisans of an independent Soviet Finland and the irreconcilable foes of the treacherous and blood-splotched Kremlin bureaucracy and its hand-picked Kuusinen regime in Finland.
  3. For the Fourth Internationalists in the Soviet Union: Soviet patriotism – the main enemy is world imperialism. Unconditional defense of the Soviet Union against the capitalist world. Only agents of imperialism, standing for the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union, can desire the defeat of the Red Army by the bourgeois Finnish outpost of the imperialist armies. Irreconcilable struggle for the overthrow of the Stalinist bureaucracy, which betrays the world proletariat and undermines the defense of the Soviet Union. Against the military-bureaucratic annexation of Finnish territory. For the independence of Soviet Finland. Unceasing criticism and exposure of the Stalinist methods of starting and conducting the war, but not the slightest relaxation of material and military support. The Fourth Internationalists in the Soviet Union will be the best soldiers in the Red Army and inspire it to victory over the imperialist bandits and the Stalinist betrayers.

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