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Socialist Appeal, 14 December 1941 1940

Walter Rourke

Wasn’t Meant to Kill Trotsky
Says Leader of May Attack!


From Socialist Appeal, Vol. 4 No. 50, 14 December 1941, p. 2.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.


MEXICO CITY – David Alfaro Siqueiros has finally submitted a formal statement to Judge Trujillo at Coyoacan. As was expected, he has added nothing to what was already known but rather has merely developed his former lies one step further.

His testimony always boils down to two points – the May 24th attack was not intended to kill Trotsky but only to steal some of the archives; he knows nothing about the murder of Robert Sheldon Harte. Siqueiros originally said that he wanted the archives to prove Trotsky’s “counter-revolutionary activities;” now he says that he discovered that Trotsky was selling his correspondence with Lenin to Harvard University Library and wanted to take these letters. In either case the story is ridiculous since the archives were not even touched during the attack, though right out in full view in the library.

Obviously Siqueiros’ intention is to free himself of the charge of attempted murder. He insists that the participants in the attack were instructed not to kill.

Trotsky, to shoot only with the intention of terrorizing him into inaction, and to injure him only if he tried to prevent the theft of documents – the injury was not to be serious but only enough to “put him out of action.” Apparently he expects this fantastic tale to be believed in the face of the mute evidence of Trotsky’s bedroom, riddled by bullets from three directions. Siqueiros pretends that most of the bullet holes were made by the guards and that the incendiary bombs were tossed by Trotsky in order to gain more publicity; this is all that remains of the original Stalinist theory of “self assault.”

Of course Siqueiros insists that he has no connection with the second and successful assault on Trotsky’s life.

Siqueiros Held a Stalinist Command in Spain

The Colonel – Siqueiros held a Stalinist command in Spain – states that one of his Communist friends led the May 24 assault but that he would never disclose his name.

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