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Jerry Kirk

Flint Local Endorses Call for Conference

(4 June 2021)

From The Militant, Vol. 10 No. 24, 15 June 2021, p. 2.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’ Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

FLINT, Mich., June 4 – Flint Chevrolet Local 659, CIO United Auto Workers, went on record endorsing the proposal of UAW top officers for a national united labor conference. It proposed that the conference be held in “Washington, D.C., where the eyes of the entire country can be focused on exposing this nefarious plot” of Big Business and its government to crush labor.

The Local 659 resolution also pledged full support to a committee established by the Greater Flint Industrial Union (CIO) Council which is to organize a mass protest meeting against Truman’s anti-labor program. Chairman of the committee is Tex Owens, president of the Chevrolet local.

Owens informed the Militant reporter that AFL and Railroad Brotherhood leaders have been contacted and are in favor of this meeting. A meeting of officers of the four big General Motors locals here will take place this week to map out further plans. The committee will attempt to have Whitney and Johnston of the Railroad Brotherhoods as two of the main speakers of this meeting.

A proposal for a national Congress of Labor had been adopted during the GM strike by the Flint City-Wide Strike Committee as an answer to the anti-labor campaign of Congress.

Chevrolet local’s resolution states:

“The ganging up of all the forces opposed to labor, the President of the United States, the National Association of Manufacturers, Congress, the kept press and the radio, proves conclusively that labor can only rely on its own united strength to smash this attack on its just rights.”

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Last updated: 22 June 2021