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IST Writers: Ahmed Shawki

Internet Archive

Ahmed Shawki

Ahmed Shawki

(1960 – 2023)


Summer 1990: Black liberation and socialism in the United States

Summer 1997: China – From Mao to Deng

Fall 1998: China – Deng’s Legacy

Spring 1998: Contradictions of the “Miracle” Economy (with Joel Geier)

Spring 1998: 80 Years Since the Russian Revolution

April 2000: The Shape of World Capitalism (with Paul D’Amato)

June 2000: Shifting the terms of debate

June 2001: Between Things Ended and Things Begun

July 2001: The fight for a different world

January 2002: The rehabilitation of colonialism

September 2002: Bush Doctrine – Turning point for U.S. Imperialism

February 2011: The Struggle in Egypt Surges Ahead

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Last updated: 2 November 2023