8 April 1918
Izvestia, 9 April 1918

    The representatives of the Great Powers allied with Japan, who are in Moscow, as well as the Ambassadors of these Powers who are in Vologda, have today, 8 April, not yet received any news from their Governments regarding the landing in Vladivostok.

    Four representatives of these Powers have informed the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the assurances received from their Ambassadors, based partly on their knowledge of the general trend of their Governments' policy, partly on their own considerations, partly on factual material concerning the general attitude of their Governments to the Russian Soviet Republic, designed to demonstrate the purely local, temporary, and accidental nature of the landing, the absence of any political intention to give Japan the opportunity of making any gains whatever in Siberia, and the certainty of a speedy and favourable end to this incident.

    The People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs has noted the assurances, irreproachably friendly in their outward form, of the representatives of Japan's allies; these assurances will of course be appreciated by the popular masses in Russia as being really friendly only when the foreign troops who have forcibly broken into the territory of Russia leave it. At the present time, when the seizure of a certain part of Russian territory is a real fact, the Russian Republic expects from friendly peoples real facts and deeds, and not until the only possible way out, i.e. the evacuation of Vladivostok by the invading troops, has been taken, are we prepared to see in this foreign invasion an incident of purely local significance.

Documents on Soviet Foreign Policy

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