26 January 1918
Sobranie RSFSR, 1917-18, p. 247

    The Rumanian oligarchy, covered in crimes, has opened hostilities against the Russian Republic. Accustomed to maintain its rule on the misery, the serfdom, and the blood of the Rumanian peasants and workers, the Rumanian monarchy tried to save itself, its landlords, and its bankers by seizing Bessarabia and turning it into a rampart against the powerful torrent of the Russian revolution. The crimes of the Rumanian military and civilian authorities are innumerable. Commissars and representatives of the revolutionary Russian troops are arrested and shot. Revolutionary troops are dying of hunger and throwing away their arms. In withdrawing to the rear they are exposed to artillery fire. In all these bloody crimes one of the leading roles is taken by the Commander-in-Chief on the Rumanian front, Shcherbachev.

    As a protest and a warning the Council of People's Commissars ordered the short-term arrest of the Rumanian Ambassador; this step proved ineffective. The crimes are continuing.

   The Council of People's Commissars resolves:

1 . All diplomatic relations with Rumania are severed. The Rumanian Embassy and in general all agents of the Rumanian authorities are to leave the country by the shortest route.

2. The Rumanian gold reserve held in Moscow is not to be touched by the Rumanian oligarchy. The Soviet Government assumes responsibility for the safekeeping of this reserve and will hand it over to the Rumanian nation.

3. The former Commander-in-Chief on the Rumanian front, Shcherbachev, who has risen against the revolution, is declared an enemy of the people and an outlaw.

Documents on Soviet Foreign Policy

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