2 September 1918
Izvestia, 3 September 1918

    Today, the 2[nd of] September, the conspiracy organized by Anglo-French diplomats, at the head of which was the chief of the British Mission, Lockhart, the French Consul-General Grenard, the French General Lavergne, and others, was liquidated. The purpose of the conspiracy was to organize the capture of the Council of People's Commissars and the proclamation of a military dictatorship in Moscow; this was to be done by bribing Soviet troops.

    The entire organization, which was built on a strictly conspiratorial basis, and which made use of forged documents and bribery, has been disclosed.

    Among other things, instructions were found that in the event of a successful revolt, forged secret correspondence was to be published, between the Russian and German Governments, and forged treaties were to be manufactured, in order to create a suitable atmosphere for renewing the war with Germany.

    The conspirators acted under cover of diplomatic immunity and with certificates issued over the personal signature of the chief of the British Mission in Moscow, Mr Lockhart. A number of these certificates are at present in the hands of the Special Investigating Commission.

    It has been established that 1,200,000 rubles were spent on bribery by one of Lockhart's agents alone, a British lieutenant, Riley, during the last week and a half. The conspiracy was disclosed thanks to the reliability of the commanders of those Soviet detachments which the conspirators offered to bribe.

    At the secret headquarters of the conspirators an Englishman was arrested who, after being brought before the Special Investigating Commission, said that he was the British diplomatic representative, Lockhart. After the identity of the arrested Lockhart had been established, he was immediately released.

    The investigation is being energetically pursued.

Documents on Soviet Foreign Policy

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