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Ferdinand Lassalle

Starvation and Starvation


Written: In German, 1863.
Published in English: 1927.
Translated by: Jakob Altmeier (presumed).
Source: Voices of Revolt: Speeches of Ferdinand Lassalle. International Publishers, first edition, 1927, New York, USA. 94 pages.
Transcription and Markup: Bill Wright for marxists.org, February, 2023

The families of five persons that live on less than 500 talers annually per family, in other words, families that are living, no doubt, in real want, or at least are very poor — constitute 95.7 per cent of the population. Yes, gentlemen, the number is concealed from you in order to conceal from you your power, for you lack none of the elements of power but consciousness. For this reason there is everywhere a conspiracy against you for the purpose of falsifying these facts and figures. . . .

Starvation, gentlemen, is a word that may be taken in a double sense. Actual cases of people falling down in the street and dying instantly of hunger are quite unusual; but cases of persons continually giving forth more energy than they are capable of replacing, by reason of a deficiency of foodstuffs, or too low a standard of living, in other words, an expenditure of strength exceeding the receipts of strength, such cases also mean ultimate starvation. But the latter process of starvation lasts long enough to enable one to put children into the world. Thus, the population is increased, particularly that of the working classes, and yet, the process of starvation remains in force.

—From the Arbeiter-Lesebuch (“Workers’ Reader”)


Last updated on 2 February 2023