FAR and Montoneros 1973

Perón Confronts the Conspiracy

Source: Monotoneros, Documentos internos, resoluciones, comunicados y actas de guerra. Cuadernos de la memoria, elortiba.org;
Translated: for marxists.org by Mitchell Abidor;
CopyLeft: Creative Commons (Attribute & ShareAlike) marxists.org 2010.

July 14, 1973
Declaration of the Armed Peronist Organizations.

In the process that culminates with Compañero Campora’s renunciation, the FAR and the Montonero organizations declare that:

  1. The accession to the presidency of our Guide, General Perón, is an event that the Peronist Movement has fought for for 18 years. Compañero Campora assumed the presidency as a way of achieving this objective, as General Perón explained himself: “Doctor Campora, with much resistance, accepted the charge, making known that if he were to arrive at the presidency of the republic in this election he would establish the unconstitutionality of the proscription [of Perón], would renounce his office, and would submit to congress, as he did, the decision of this body, so that the people could authentically and genuinely elect the candidate of its choice.
  2. But the accession to the presidency of General Perón in these circumstances had as its objective the blocking of a gorilla conspiracy pushed forward by imperialism via a handful of traitors in the Peronist Movement.
  3. The strategy that General Perón developed was the one that was synthesized in the slogan: “Campora in the Government, Perón in Power,” which signaled that Perón was the Leader of the Peronist Movement and Compañero Campora the president of the Argentineans.
  4. This strategy developed up until the confrontation with the military dictatorship, during which the slogan borne forth by the Peronist Movement: “Elections with Perón in the Fatherland and as Candidate” expressed the popular demand that the leader be allowed to return to the Fatherland in order to guide the process of liberation.
  5. This was expressed during the “Struggle and Return” campaign carried out so as to create the conditions that would permit the return of our Leader, and which was crowned by the glorious day of November 17 on which, despite the ferocious repressive apparatus mounted by the dictatorship, the presence of General Perón in Argentina was made a reality.
  6. In the face of the opposition of the dictatorship, and in order to allow the electoral process to develop, but also in order to place himself in a position that would permit him to control the entire process that would allow him to pass from governing to power, General Perón renounced his legitimate candidacy, proposing in his place his personal delegate, Compañero Campora.
  7. Thus was born as a synthesis of this entire process the slogan proposed by the Juventud Peronista : “Campora in the government, Perón in Power,” which was put forth by all sectors of the movement loyal to its revolutionary objectives.
  8. This entire process was constantly disturbed and sabotaged by agents of imperialism who had infiltrated the movement. These agents are those who negotiated the popular struggles with the military dictatorship, those who opposed the return of General Perón. Those who negotiated to block the demonstration of November 17, those who opposed the candidacy of Compañero Campora at the congress of December 15 under the slogan of “be against Perón to save Perón,” those who refused to participate in the electoral campaign, and finally those who fired on the Perónist people at Ezeiza on June 20, intending to overthrow the popular government.
  9. These conspirators, agents of imperialism are:
  1. In the face of this situation General Perón saw himself forced to reassume in his person the function of Chief of the Peronist Movement and President of the Argentineans, thanks to which, “In these 45 days there have occurred in the country things which, in the sight of all and of any government, can be judged as having been excellently executed..” (Gen. Perón 7/13/73)
  2. General Perón changed his strategy because this is the sole guarantee of the continuity of popular government and the process of national reconstruction and liberation. He said on 7/13/73: “Whatever the plans for the immediate future of the republic, I will remain a soldier in its service, to which I pledge not only my honor, but also my life.”
  3. It is essential that General Perón immediately reassume these functions, given that the presence of Lastiri as Provisional President supposes the continuation of the pro-imperialist conspiracy and concretely signifies the return of the regime overthrown on March 11.
  4. For this it is necessary that General Perón be designated by Congress as Provisional President through the modification of the Acefalia Law until his consecration is produced by the forthcoming electoral act.
  5. If General Perón does not immediately assume the presidency there will be produced a situation of non-government and a power void that will make possible a bloody aggression by imperialism against the working class and the Peronist people, as occurred last June 20 and as recently happened in Chile and Uruguay.
  6. Before this it is necessary to deepen popular organization and mobilization in the neighborhoods, base units, factories, unions, schools and universities in order to maintain the Peronist people in a state of discussion and alert so as to defend itself against any aggression with the methods that are within its reach, to confront the continuing maneuvers of the conspirators and to impede the sabotage of the assumption of command by the Leader and Guide of our Movement.
  7. Only this organization and mobilization of the working class and the Peronist people will permit the achievement of the Movement’s revolutionary objectives. And this people, which successfully fought against a bloody dictatorship like the one it overthrew March 11, will also confront and overthrow the camarilla of conspiratorial adventurers, agents of imperialism and traitorous bureaucrats, and its gang of hired assassins.
  8. Our organizations, FAR and Montoneros, as part of this people promises all of its efforts and its means in function of this struggle of the whole of the Peronist Movement against those stateless traitors, true CIA infiltrators.
  9. It is a patriotic duty for all Argentineans, Peronist or no, civilians and military, that they speak out in facor of liberation and against dependency, and for social justice and against exploitation, to close ranks with General Perón fighting under the banner of “Perón President, “ for national reconstruction and liberation.

For a Free, Just, and Sovereign Fatherland, on the march for National Socialism.

Free or dead, Slaves never

Perón or Death, Long Live the Fatherland