The 1952 Revolution

by José Villa


1. The CON was the predecessor of the COB.

2. Memorias del primer ministro obrero, Waldo Alvarez, La Paz 1986, p.188.

3. Lucha Obrera, 12.6.52, p.3.

4. Trotskyism in Latin America, Robert J. Alexander, Hoover Institution Press, California 1973, p.134.

5. Sindicatos y revolución, G. Lora, La Paz 1960.

6. La Revolución Boliviana: Análisis crítico, Guillermo Lora, La Paz 1963, p.254.

7. Boletin Interno, no.13, POR, 1953, p.11.

8. Lucha Obrera, 18.4.52, p.2.

9. Rebelión en las venas, James Dunkerley, Ed Quipus, 1982, La Paz, p.50 – Verso edition p.45.

10. Rebellion in the Veins, Verso, London 1984, p.64. (The editor of the English text omitted ‘allegedly’ before ‘controlled’. Note by Eds of RH)

11. Labor Action, 27.10.52. Shachtman’s paper.

12. Rebelión en las venas, p.52, Verso Edition, p.46.

13. Labor Action, 7.4.52.

14. Contribución a la historia politica de Boliviana, G. Lora, Vol.2, pp.237-238.

15. The Militant, 12.5.52, Lora interview Part 1, SWP New York.

16. The Militant, 12.5.52, Lora interview Part 1, SWP New York.

17. The Militant, 19.5.52, Lora interview Part 2, SWP, New York.

18. The Militant, 12.5.52, Lora interview Part 1, SWP, New York.

19. The Militant, 19.5.52, Lora interview Part 2, SWP, New York.

20. “A Letter on the Bolivian Revolution”, S Ryan, 1.6.52, SWP Internal Bulletin.

21. Boletin Interno, no.13, POR, undated, p.10.

22. La revolución boliviana: Análisis crítico, G. Lora, La Paz, 1963, p.254.

23. Rebelión, 1.5.52, p.8-9.

24. “Gualberty Villarroel (...) Our proletarian homage to the memory of the martyr president”, ibid., p.9.

25. Lucha Obrera, 12.6.52, p.3.

26. Lucha Obrera, 29.6.52, p.4.

27. Lucha Obrera, 18.4.52, p.2.

28. Boletin Interno, no.13, 1953, p.7.

29. Lucha Obrera, 25.5.52, p.3.

30. ibid., p.301.

31. Boletin Interno, no.13, POR, undated, p.8.

32. Movimiento obrero y procesos politicos en Bolivia: Historia de la COB 1952-1957, Jorge Lazarte, EDOBOL, La Paz 1989, p.280.

33. Lucha Obrera, 15.7.52, p.1.

34. Lucha Obrera, 29.1.52, p.2.

35. Boletin Interno, no.13, POR, p.11.

36. Trotskyism in Latin America, Robert J. Alexander, p.125.

37. Lucha Obrera, 1.6.52, p.2.

38. Internal Bulletin, no.17, August 1953, SWP, New York, p.40. The second Ryan letter, dated 4.8.53.

39. ROSCA was the mining oligarchy – Eds note.

40. Lucha Obrera, 25.5.52.

41. ibid., p.277.

42. Contribución a la historia politica de Boliviana, G. Lora, Vol 2, p.231-232.

43. Bolivia: la revolución inconclusa, James M. Malloy, Ceres, La Paz 1989, p.243.

44. ibid., p.243-244.

45. A History of the Bolivian Labour Movement, Lora, Cambridge, p.281.

46. ibid., p.284.

47. La revolución Boliviana: Análisis crítico, Lora, La Paz, 1963, p.267.

48. ibid., p.270.

49. ibid., p.298-299.

50. Lucha Obrera, 23.1.53.

51. Lucha Obrera, March 1953, p.1.

52. See interview in Facetas, 5.7.87.

53. Nahuel Moreno always claimed ... in its bureaucracy.

54. La Revolución Boliviana, G. Lora, p.262-263.

55. Movimento obrero y processos politícos en Bolivia, Jorge Lazarte, p.6.

56. ibid., p.7.

57. As Stuart King so .... Permanent Revolution, no.2, p.36.

58. Boletin Interno, no.13, POR, p.12.

59. The Third International after Lenin, Trotsky, Pathfinder, New York 1970, p.181. Stalin, el gran organizador de derrotas. La III Internacional despues de Lenin, Trotski, El Yunque, Bs As 1974, p.241.

60. The author may be incorrect in assuming that.

61. The Communist International 1919-1943: Documents, ed. Jane Degras, Vol.1, Cass, 1971, p.427. (The author is wrong. Zinoviev drafted the theses which represented a compromise between the lefts and right. In Dialogue with Heinrich Brandler (Marxism, Wars and Revolutions, Deutscher, Verso, 1984) the latter says: “Radek was accused by Moscow of being the author of my definition of the five forms of workers’ government. In reality, he tried to prevent this definition from being adopted; not because he thought it incorrect but, as I learned years later, because it irritated Zinoviev, and Radek found this inconvenient for his factional struggle in Moscow.” pp.158-159. Brandler advanced it at the 8th Congress of the KPD in January 1923, just after the 4th Congress of the Communist International which took place in Nov-Dec 1922. See Revolutionary History Vol.2 no.3, pp.1-20. Eds note)

62. ibid., p.426.

63. ibid., p.426.

64. Contribución a la historia politica de Boliviana, Lora, Vol.2, La Paz 1978, p.253.

65. Lucha Obrera, 11.11.52, p.3.

66. Lucha Obrera, 11.11.52, p.2.

67. Lucha Obrera, 25.5.52, p.3.

68. Bolivia: la revolución derrotada, Liborio Justo, Cochabamba 1967, p.224.

69. Lucha Obrera, 2.8.53, p.1.

70. This reference is missing in the text available to me – ETOL

71. Internal Bulletin, no 17, August 1953, SWP New York, p.50.

72. ibid., p.10.

73. Memorias del primer ministro obrero, Waldo Alvarez, La Paz, 1986, pp.283-84.

74. El Sindicalismo Boliviano, Ricardo Catoira Marín, La Paz, 1987, p.43.

75. Contribución ..., Vol.2, Lora, La Paz 1978, p.228.

76. El Sindicalismo Boliviano ..., p.48.

77. LO, 3.5.52, p.3.

78. LO, 25.5.52. p.1.

79. LO, 12.6.52, p.1.

80. LO, 12.6.52, p.2.

81. LO 12.6.52, p.3.

82. The Third International After Lenin, L.D. Trotsky, Pathfinder, New York, pp.169-170.

83. LO, 3.8.52, p.3.

84. LO, 5.8.53, p.1.

85. Villarroel was lynched in 1946. Eds note.

86. LO, 6.2.53, p.1.

87. LO, 29.6.52.p.4.

88. LO, 11.11.52, p.1.

89. Boletin Interno, no.13, POR, p.9.

90. Revolution Bolivienne 1952-1954, Pierre Scali, La Verité, supp. no.333, 22.4.54, p.20.

91. LO, May 1953, p.2.

92. Poder y Fuerzas Armadas 1949-1982, General Gary Prado Salmón, Cochabamba 1984, p.33.

93. La revolución boliviana, G. Lora, p.271.

94. LO, 15.7.52, p.1.

95. Poder y Fuerzas Armadas 1949-1982, p.40.

96. Poder y Fuerzas Armadas 1949-1982, pp.52-54.

97. Historia de una leyenda: Vida y palabra de Juan Lechín Oquendo, Lupe Cajias, La Paz 1989, p.148.

98. LO, 3.8.52, p.3.

99. LO, Supplement 3.2.53, p.4.

100. LO, 11.11.52, p.3.

101. LO, 11.11.52, p.3.

102. LO, 29.11.52, p.2.

103. LO, Supplement 3.2.53, p.3.

104. The Third International After Lenin, Pathfinder, New York, 1970, p.218.

105. This note seems to be missing.

106. Rebellion in the Veins, Dunkerley, Verso, pp.70-71.

107. LO, 29.6.52, p.4.

108. LO, 6.2.53, p.1.

109. Rebellion in the Veins, Dunkerley, Verso, p.73.

110. Trotsky ante la revolución nacional latinoamericana, Juan Ramon Peñaloza, Bs. As., 1953, pp.152-154.

111. Boletin Interno, no.13, POR, p.3.

112. LO, 27.9.53, p.4.

113. LO, 3.11.53, p.1.

114. Contribución a la historia política de Bolivia, G. Lora, Vol.2, La Paz 1978, p.241.

115. Fourth International, January-February 1953, p.16.

116. International Information Bulletin, January 1953, SWP New York, p.24.

117. Actualización del programa de transición, Nahuel Moreno, Caracteres Ed, Bogota 1990, pp.40-41.

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