Communist Party of Britain

The British Road to Socialism (1989)

Publisher: Communist Party of Britain
Published: November 1989, 6th edition
HTML Markup: Pierre Marshall

The Communist Party of Britain (Ruskin House, 23 Coombe Rd, London CR0 1BD. Registered with the UK Electoral Commission ref: PP 78) is the publisher and sole copyright holder for 6th edition of the book, "the British Road to Socialism." The Communist Party of Britain grants the Marxists Internet Archive perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, and non-commercial rights to distribute this book through Marxists Internet Archive Web sites, CDs, DVDs, or other current and future formats. No royalties are due for these rights.
Authorship of the book must be attributed to the Communist Party of Britain. The party still retains all rights to distribute its own material on its own terms.

Table of Contents

Cover of the book