Marxists Internet Archive

Documents, Articles and Information on Romania

Published in Bucharest by the Socialist Republic of Romania's AGERPRES Romanian News Agency beginning as early as 1950 and lasting at least through 1971, as far as we have been able to ascertain.  It was published on a roughly bimonthly schedule and numeration started afresh with each year.  There were also versions in German, Spanish, and other languages.



No. 16 / 1969 (November 21)


No. 1 / 1970 (January 6)

Not numbered  / 1970 (March 9)

No. 6 / 1970 (March 31)

No. 8 / 1970 (April 23)

No. 10 / 1970 (April)

No. 11 / 1970 (April)

No. 12 / 1970 (May 4)

No. 13 / 1970 (May 8)

No. 14 / 1970 (May 11)

No. 15 / 1970 (May 15)

No. 17 / 1970 (May 26)

No. 18 / 1970 (May 28)

No. 19 / 1970 (June 5)

No. 20 / 1970 (June 18)

No. 23 / 1970 (July 6)

No. 24 / 1970 (July 10)

No. 25 / 1970 (July)

No. 26 / 1970 (July 20)

No. 27 / 1970 (July 21, 1970)

No. 31 / 1970 (September 28)

No. 32 / 1970 (October 3)

No. 33 / 1970 (October 8)

No. 34 / 1970 (October 21)

No. 35 / 1970 (October 24)

No. 36 / 1970 (November 6)

No. 37 / 1970 (November 16)

No. 40 / 1970 (December 14)

No. 41 / 1970 (December 21)


Issue on Catastrophic Floods in Romania (III) (June 1971)

Issue on Catastrophic Floods in Romania (IV) (June 1971)