POUM 1936

Saving the Democratic Republic or Socialist Revolution?

Source: La Révolution espagnole, 1st year, no. 6, October 14, 1936;
Translated: from the original for marxists.org by Mitchell Abidor;
CopyLeft: Creative Commons (Attribute & ShareAlike) marxists.org 2011.

The press has published a declaration issued in Paris by La Pasionaria, Communist deputy to the Cortes, in which she states, “Once victory is obtained, the Communist Party will follow the line of conduct dictated by its fidelity to its promise to support and maintain the Popular Front government, whatever its ideology.”

This declaration situates the position of the official Spanish Communist Party and is an element of opportunist and bourgeois tactics, as is demonstrated by the following declarations from its most authoritative leaders:

“The struggle of the armed Spanish people against fascism is a struggle that concerns all the workers and ALL THE DEMOCRATS of Europe and the world.” (José Diaz, broadcast of the Communist Party)

“It will become necessary that all parties member of the Popular Front make an indispensable effort for the reconstruction of Spain. It will be necessary to reestablish the social economy ruined by the civil war, and with it THE SPANISH DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC WILL BE REVIVED which the country will follow, with no modification needed other than broader social justice.” (La Pasionaria in Paris)

“Defeat fascism within the framework of the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.” (Antonio Mije at the Communist Party assembly in Fontalba)

“Young people of all tendencies and countries: Defend by your common action our REPUBLICAN SPAIN whose independence is being fought against.” (Jesus Rozado, broadcast of the Communist Party)

“Long live free and anti-fascist Spain! LONG LIVE THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC! Long live the loyal militias and forces! Long live the Communist Party! Long live the cause of all free and progressive people! (Jesus Hernandez)

“Let all our weapons point in the same direction, at the heart of capitalism, with the sole aim of constructing on its corpse a workers society, a SOCIALIST SOCIETY.” (Gorkin, [POUM] meeting in Valencia)

“In Spain we are witnessing a profound social revolution. Our revolution is more profound than that of Russia in 1917. The monarchy and feudalism have collapsed, but REPUBLICANS SHOULD HAVE NO ILLUSIONS: what will also collapse is the entire bourgeois economy, the entire bourgeois economic system which will just as inevitably disappear.” (Andreu Nin, [POUM] rally in Castellón de la Plana)

“Working youth, which has received nothing but ill treatment from the bourgeois republic, is ready to pursue the struggle until the triumph of the proletarian revolution. All of us united, we must continue the struggle with this slogan: ‘Unity of action of the working class. A WORKERS GOVERNMENT. SOCIALIST REVOLUTION.'"(Solano of the Iberian Communist Youth [connected to POUM])

“We know that it will not be the petite bourgeoisie that will realize this transformation. We know that the Spanish petite bourgeoisie, in carrying out its class actions, will absolutely oppose or be incapable of making this revolution, which only the workers and peasants can make.” (Gorkin)