MIA: Soomaaliga


Qaybta Afka Soomaaliga 


With the The Marxists Internet Archive we want to give an easy access to the works of especially the "classic" Marxists. Already a substantial part of these are available in English and other languages.   This section in the Somali language is just at its very start - and will probably be for some time. It takes time to locate translations and transfer texts into an electronic medium.

If you want to contribute – much or just a little – to building the archive please contact the MIA. This also applies if you find errors of any sort or if you have suggestions etc.


Hadda qoraallada soo socda ayaa lagu heli karaa Soomaali:


V. I. Lenin


Maxamad Siyaad Barre





Sidoo kale eeg:

Maadooyin Gaar Ah