Marxists Internet Archive: Archive updates
January 2025
See Also: Daily list of files updated
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19 January 2025: Added to the Portuguese Kim Il Sung Archive:
Sobre a Propagação e o Desenvolvimento da Luta Armada na Pátria, 1933
19 January 2025: Added to the German Archiv David Rjasanow: Sozialdemokratische Flagge und anarchistische Ware (Social democratic flag and anarchist merchandise) (series) (1914)
19 January 2025: Added to the German Archiv Franz Mehring: Neue Schriften über Marx (New writings about Marx) (1913)
19 January 2025: Added to the German Archiv Clara Zetkin:
Vorwärts! (Forward!) (1908)
19 January 2025: Added to the
Swedish Sino-Soviet Split Internet Archive:
Why Khrushchov Fell (November 1964)
18 January 2024: Opened the Manabendra Nath Roy archive in the Portuguese-language section, with: Fome e Revolução na Índia, 1919
18 January 2025: Added to the U.S. Periodical and History page is a new page: the Students for a Democratic Society periodical page
which has a near complete set of New Left Notes and other publications from SDS from 1960 through 1974. We are also listing the already completed versions of the Progressive Labor Party dominated SDS New Left Notes previously published on the Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line. Most of these digital scans were completed by the Washington Spark Group. 18 January 2025: Added to the Swedish Joseph Hansen Internet Archive: With Trotsky to the End, 1940 17 January 2025: Added to the Spanish section's Archivo George Novack: La dialéctica del proceso histórico (1963) 17 January 2025: Added to our Spanish-language Archivo Daniel Guerin: La peste parda (1965) 17 January 2025: Added to the Spanish section's Archivo Eugenio Preobrazhenski: La Nueva Economía (1926) 17 January 2025: Added to the Spanish-language section's Archivo Paul Lafargue: La religión del capital (1887) 17 January 2025: The Spanish section adds two editions of a talk by Margaret Randall its Marxism & Feminism subject archive: Sobre la situación de la mujer. Serie de charlas: Visión crítica del Movimiento Feminista y su significado para la mujer trabajadora latinoamericana (1973) 17 January 2025: Added to the
Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:
Progressive Paralysis – The Second International on the Eve of the New War (July 1939) 16 January 2025: We add a copy of Lenin's Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism, in Amharic: ኢምፔሪያሊዝም ከፍተኛው የካፒታሊዝም የዕድገት ደረጃ (1916) 15 January 2025: Added to the Portuguese Marx-Engels Archive:
Às classes trabalhadoras da Grã-Bretanha, 1845 16 September 2024: Added to the Swedish World War II Internet Archive: Swedish communists about World War II 1939-1941 (1974)
15 January 2025: Added to the Spanish section's Archivo Volodia Teteilboim: El pueblo y el terremoto (1960)
15 January 2025: The Spanish section starts an archive for Chilean CP politician Elías Lafertte, with:
Hacia la transformación económica y política de Chile por la vía de la Unión Nacional (1945)
14 January 2025: Added to the Shripad Amrit Dange Archive: General Report at Ernakulam (1958)
14 January 2025: Added to the Spanish section's Archivo Nadezhda Krupskaya: Escritos inéditos sobre la cuestión femenina (2023)
14 January 2025: We add two Venezuelan memoirs to the Spanish section's Guerrilla Warfare subject archive: Dos testimonios: Ricardo Ochoa y Francisco Jiménez (El Viejo Ruperto) (2021)
13 January 2025: Added to the German Archiv Leo Trotzki: Im Westen (In the West) (1909)
13 January 2025: Added to the
Fidel Castro Archive: Speech on Marxism-Leninism, 1961
13 January 2025: Added to the Swedish Lenin Internet Archive:
The Tasks of Revolutionary Social-Democracy in the European War (August 1914)
12 January 2025: Added to the Swedish Isaac Deutscher Internet Archive:
Mao and Stalin: Horse Traders (1953)
11 January 2025: The Spanish section adds issues of two Trotskyist journals to its Periodicals Archive:
Tribuna Leninista (Argentina, 1930s)
11 January 2025: We start an archive for the works of Binay Sarkar in the Bengali section, starting with texts ... On capitalism in India (1997)
11 January 2025: Added to the Dutch section's Mao Zedong-archief:
Over de heruitgave van de drie hoofdregels van discipline en de acht aandachtspunten - instructie van het algemene hoofdkwartier van het Chinese Volksbevrijdingsleger
11 January 2025: Added to the new Lithuanian Georgi V. Plekhanov Archive: The Materialist Conception of History, 1891
11 January 2025: Added to the
Soviet Periodicals Archive:
Articles from Rabochaya Mysl, 1902
11 January 2025: Added to the Swedish Nikita Khrushchev Internet Archive:
Mao Tse-tung and the schism. From Khrushchev Remembers (1970)
10 January 2025: Added to the new Swedish Mao Zedong Internet Archive:
Mao: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung: Volume V.
4 January 2025: Added to the Slovenian Clara Zetkin Archive: Delavski mednarodni praznik, 1899
4 January 2025: Added to the Slovenian Vladimir Lenin Archive: Kdo so “prijatelji ljudstva” in kako se bore proti socialnim demokratom, 1894
9 January 2025: Added to the Swedish Ernest Mandel Internet Archive: Long waves of capitalist development: (1980)
8 January 2025: Added to the Audio section of the Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line:
International Anti-Imperialist Symposium including Ernest Mandel, Livio Maitan, Pierre Frank, Ted Night, Ralph Schoenman, and others (London, 1967): Over 19 tracks with hours of speeches and discussion.
8 January 2025: Added to the Swedish Erik Hobsbawm Internet Archive: Can We Write the History of the Russian Revolution?, 1996
7 January 2025: Added to the Swedish Charles Bettelheim Internet Archive:
Nature of Soviet society (1977)
7 January 2025: Added to the Audio section of the Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line: 8 audio tracks from the Issac Deutscher Memorial Meting at Mahatma Ghandi Hall in London. September 22, 1967. Speakers include Daniel Singer, David Horowitz, Perry Anderson, Marcel Liebman, K.S. Karol and Lawrence Daly. There will be more uploads of audio files in the near future. Despite the title of the archive, these do NOT come from the work of the Hold Labor Library.
6 January 2025: Added to the Swedish Louis Althusser Internet Archive: The Crisis of Marxism (1977)
5 January 2025: Added to the Finnish Communist Party Serial Publications Archive: V. Bystrjanskij: Vastavallankumous ja sen menettelytavat, 1920
4 January 2025: Added to the
Marta Harnecker Archive: Elementary Concepts of Historical Materialism, 1969
4 January 2025: Added to the Swedish Pierre Broué Internet Archive:
Comintern and Germany 1921 (1997)
3 January 2025: Added to the Swedish Isaac Deutscher Internet Archive: Three Currents in Communism (1963)
3 January 2025: Added to the
Swedish Sino-Soviet Split Internet Archive:
On Khrushchov's Phoney Communism and its Historical Lessons for the World (1964)
1 January 2025: Added to the Israel-Arab/Palestine Conflict Archive:
The Middle East: Danger and Prospects, George Toubi, May 1970
1 January 2025: Added to the Portuguese Gramsci Archive: Odeio o Ano Novo, 1916
1 January 2025: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:
Letter to the Workers of the USSR (1940)
Archived “What’s New” Pages: