Marxists Internet Archive: Archive updates

MIA Updates


October 2024


See Also: Daily list of files updated


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We are now taking orders for books published by the MIA. These books are published by Marxists Internet Archive Publications and all proceeds benefit the MIA, ensuring our continued operation and enhancement.


7 October 2024: Added to the Bukharin Internet Archive:

Speech at the Seventh Enlarged Plenum of the ECCI, 1926
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


7 October 2024: Added to the Zinoviev Internet Archive:

Speech at the Seventh Enlarged Plenum of the ECCI (1926)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


7 October 2024: Added to the Swedish Charles Bettelheim Internet Archive:

The Transition to Socialist Economy (1968)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


7 October 2024: Added to the Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

Speech at the Seventh Enlarged Plenum of the ECCI (1926)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


6 October 2024: Added to the Spanish Luis Emilio Recabarren archive:

Proyecciones de la Acción Sindical (1917)
[Thanks to Cristóbal Videla-Hintze]


5 October 2024: Added to the Swedish Communist International Internet Archive:

Alexander Vatlin: The Programme Discussion in the Communist International (1998)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


5 October 2024: Added to the Swedish Josef Stalin Internet Archive:

The Programme of the Comintern (1928)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


4 October 2024: Added to the new Swedish Abraham Léon Internet Archive:

Abraham Léon: The Jewish Question: A Marxist Interpretation (1942/1946)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


4 October 2024: Added to the Swedish Ernest Mandel Internet Archive:

Jewish Question Since World War II (1946)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


3 October 2024: Added to the new Swedish Viktor Danilov Internet Archive:

Stalinism and Soviet society (200x)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


2 October 2024: Added to the Swedish Milovan Djilas Internet Archive:

The New Class: An Analysis of the Communist System. (1957)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


2 October 2024: Added to the Swedish Ernest Mandel Internet Archive:

The Theory of “State Capitalism” (1951)
Trotskyists and the Resistance in World War Two (1976)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


1 October 2024: Added to the Spanish archive for the works of Hugo Blanco:

“El intelectual responde a la clase que sirve” (2017)
"No fui 'guerrillero castrista' ni terrorista" (2020)
[Thanks to Juan Fajardo]


Archived “What’s New” Pages: