Marxists Internet Archive: Archive updates

MIA Updates


December 2024


See Also: Daily list of files updated


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We are now taking orders for books published by the MIA. These books are published by Marxists Internet Archive Publications and all proceeds benefit the MIA, ensuring our continued operation and enhancement.


10 December 2024: Added to the Spanish section's Archivo Saturnino Paredes:

El trabajo en el frente campesino (1976)
[Thanks to Lugar de la Memoria, la Tolerancia y la Inclusión Social's Documentation and Research Center (CDI-LUM), Lima - Peru]


10 December 2024: We add four Peruvian journals from the 1970s to the Spanish Section's periodicals archive:

7 de Octubre, edited by a faction of Vanguardia Revolucionaria
9 de Junio, by the Victoria Navarro Local Committee of the MIR IVa Etapa
Boletín Trotskysta Internacional, by the Liga Comunista
Boletín Oposición Internacionalista, by the Oposición Internacionalista
[Thanks to the Lugar de la Memoria, la Tolerancia y la Inclusión Social's Documentation and Research Center (CDI-LUM), Lima - Peru]


9 December 2024: Added to the German Archiv Leo Trotzki:

Auf dem Hinweg (On the way there - Extracts from letters) (1907)
Der Arbeiterdeputiertenrat und die Revolution (The Council of Workers' Deputies and the Revolution) (1907)
Die Duma und die Revolution (The Duma and the Revolution) (1907)
Über den Marxismus in Russland (Concerning Marxism in Russia) (1907)
Frank Wedekind (Fassung Liternaturnyj Raspad) (Frank Wedekind - Liternaturnyj Raspad version) (1908)
Frank Wedekind (Fassung Neue Zeit) (Frank Wedekind - Neue Zeit Unser Vaterland in der Zeit (Our fatherland in time) (1908)
Vom Tod und vom Eros (Of Death and Eros) (1908)
Die dritte Duma (The Third Duma) (1908)
Simplizissimus (Simplizismus) (1908)
Der eklektische Sancho Pansa und sein mystischer Schildknappe Don Quichotte (The eclectic Sancho Panza and his mystical squire Don Quixote) (1908)
Das Proletariat und die russische Revolution (The proletariat and the Russian Revolution) (1908)
Leo Tolstoi (Leo Tolstoy) (1908)
Nationalpsychologie oder Klassenstandpunkt? (National psychology or class position?) (1908)
Selbstmörder und Expropriateure (Suicides and expropriators) (1908)
Sonnenfinsternis (Solar eclipse) (theatre review) (1908)
Der Balkan, das kapitalistische Europa und der Zarismus (The Balkans, capitalist Europe and Tsarism) (1908)
Aristoteles und der Kirchenkalender (Aristotle and the church calendar) (1908)
Heißhunger auf „Kultur“ (Craving for “Culture”) (1908)
„Der Schönheit des Stils wegen“ (“For the beauty of the style”) (190r)
Neujahrsgespräch über die Kunst (New Year's conversation about art) (1908)
[Thanks to Sozialistische Klassiker 2.0 & amp; Einde O’Callaghan]


9 December 2024: Added to the Swedish Communist International Internet Archive:

Firsov, Klehr, Haynes: The Spanish Civil War. (1014)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


8 December 2024: Added to the Swedish Erik Hobsbawm Internet Archive:

"Real Socialism", 1994 (From Age of Extremes)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


7 December 2024: Added to the Raya Dunayevskaya Archive

Marxism and the Negro Problem (1944)
The Revolt of the Workers and the Plan of the Intellectuals (1951)
Letter Writing and New Passions (1955)
[Thanks to Chris Gilligan]


7 December 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

The Meaning of Rakovsky’s Surrender (1934)
Behind Rakovsky's Capitulation (1934)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


12 December 2024: Added to the Swedish Sino-Soviet Split Internet Archive:

The Leaders Of The CPSU Are The Greatest Splitters Of Our Times (1964)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


4 December 2024: Added to the Swedish Fourth International Internet Archive:

Theses on the Construction of the Fourth International (1937)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


3 December 2024: Added to the Swedish Ernest Mandel Internet Archive:

The Nature of the USSR, Socialism, Democracy (1977)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


2 December 2024: Added to the Swedish Arthur Koestler Internet Archive:

Koestler and others: The God That Failed (1949)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


1 December 2024: Added to the Spanish section's archive for the works of Hugo Blanco:

Intervención en la Cámara de Diputados (1980)
A Julia y Gladis, pidiendo datos respecto a viaje a Tocache (1981)
A los compañeros de la Confederación Campesina del Perú (1981)
A los compañeros en Berlín (1988)
Carta respecto a gira europea de Andrés Luna Vargas (1988)
Acerca del plan de trabajo del c. Hugo Blanco (1990)
Pedido con acuerdo de Cámara en el Senado (1990)
Introducción al materialismo dialéctico (1991)
Formaciones económico-sociales (1991)
El capitalismo (1991)
Las organizaciones revolucionarias de masas (1991)
El PUM en 40 preguntas y 40 respuestas ([1991?])
En defensa de Marx, Lenin y Mariátegui (1992)
Ecologismo popular y del otro ([1990 o 1991])
A Javier Alva Orlandini  (1991)
A los camaradas del PUM (1992)
Informe sobre mi viaje (1992)
Trabajo internacional (1992)
[Thanks to Centro de Documentación e Investigación (CDI) del Lugar de la Memoria, la Tolerancia y la Inclusión Social (LUM), Lima - Perú]


1 December 2024:Added to the Portuguese Agostinho Neto Archive:

Vamos defender a nossa Revolução, 1976
Sobre o Fraccionismo, 1977
Discurso de Proclamação da Independência, 1975
Precisamos de um Governo Popular, 1979
O nosso país deve ser conduzido pelos operários e os camponeses, 1979
Devemos fazer mais pela Revolução, 1979
[Thanks to Associação Tchiweka de Documentação and Fernando Araújo]


1 December 2024: Added to the Swedish Lenin Internet Archive:

Extraordinary Seventh Congress of the R.C.P.(B.) (March 6-8, 1918)
Extraordinary Fourth All-Russia Congress of Soviets (March 14-16, 1918)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


Archived “What’s New” Pages: