Marxists Internet Archive: Archive updates

MIA Updates


November 2024


See Also: Daily list of files updated


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We are now taking orders for books published by the MIA. These books are published by Marxists Internet Archive Publications and all proceeds benefit the MIA, ensuring our continued operation and enhancement.


5 November 2024: Added to the Swedish Sino-Soviet Split Internet Archive:

Two Different Lines on the Question of War and Peace (1963)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


4 November 2024: Added to the Israel-Arab/Palestine Conflict Archive:

17,000 Celebrate 15th Birthday of IWO's Jewish Section, Daily Worker, May 28, 1945
Asks Jewish Issues Put on 'Big 3' Agenda, Daily Worker, July 9, 1945
Daily Worker Editorial: Open Palestine's Doors, Daily Worker, September 27, 1945
Unionists Back Palestine Rally, Daily Worker, September 28, 1945
Zionist Garden Rally Hits British Palestine Ban, Daily Worker, October 1, 1945
Flays Treachery by Labor Gov't on Palestine, A. Strauss, Daily Worker, October 22, 1945
What is the Outlook for the Jewish People?, Alexander Bittelman, Political Affairs, October 1945
250,000 Rally for Jewish Refuge in Palestine, Helen Simon, Daily Worker, October 25, 1945
Morning Freiheit Editorial: The People's Demonstration Against the White Paper – What Next?, Daily Worker, October 29, 1945
Unity Urged in Fight Against 'White Paper', Statement by New York State Committee, CPUSA, Daily Worker, November 2, 1945
British Policy Feeds Palestine Crisis, Daily Worker, November 3, 1945
For a Free Palestine of Jews and Arabs, Alexander Bittelman, Daily Worker, November 27, 1945
CP Leaders Speak Tomorrow at 12 City Rallies on Palestine, Daily Worker, December 12, 1945
Daily Worker Editorial: Rally Against the White Paper!, Daily Worker, December 13, 1945
Communists Picket to 'Open Palestine', Daily Worker, December 14, 1945
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


4 November 2024: Added to the new John Rose Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

The Southall Asian Youth Movement (1976)
The struggle against the Social Contract (with Steve Jefferys & Sheila McGregor) (1977)
Grunwicks – Union Power (book review) (1977)
Israel – The Hijack State (book) (1986)
Out on his own (film review) (1993)
A touch of class (1994)
Jesus – history’s most famous missing person (1999)
The Jubilee and the Apocalypse (book review) (2003)
The other Moses (book review) (2005)
Religious persuasion? (book review) (2008)
Karl Marx, Abram Leon and the Jewish Question – a reappraisal (2008)
Zionism under the microscope (book review) (2008)
A history lacking in hindsight (book review) (2009)
Jewish intellectuals and Palestinian liberation (book review) (2010)
Zionism, socialism and nationalism (interview, with Shlomo Sand) (2010)
Tony Cliff’s Lenin and the Russian Revolution (2011)
Messianic strains (book review) (2011)
Lenin’s “Left-Wing” Communism: An Infantile Disorder revisited (1950)
Early chapters of the Jewish story (book review) (2014)
Ukraine and the Bolsheviks (2014)
Luxemburg, Müller and the Berlin workers’ and soldiers’ councils (2015)
Half socialist? Leon Trotsky and the Soviet Union (2016)
Revolutionary workers’ movements and parliaments in Germany 1918–23 (2016)
All power to the factory councils? (2017)
Debating the world revolution (book review) (2017)
Rescuing Lenin (book review) (2017)
Chris Harman, 1968 and the historic Open Letter to the Polish Communist Party (2018)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan & Christian Høgsbjerg]


4 November 2024: Added to the new Swedish Peter Fryer Internet Archive:

Peter Fryer: Hungarian Tragedy (1996. First ed. 1956)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


3 November 2024: Added to the Walter Ulbricht Archive:

Whither Germany? Speeches and Essays on the National Question (1930-1965) (1966)
What is at Stake in Germany? (1966)
A Contribution of the German Democratic Republic to Peace in Europe (1966)
The Unity of Germany Must Serve Peace (1966)
The Path to the Future Fatherland of the Germans (1966)
Current Questions of Political Development in West Germany (1966)
[Thanks to Anon.Source]


3 November 2024: Added to the Israel-Arab/Palestine Conflict Archive:

Palestine Jews Uphold Bi-National State, Daily Worker, March 7, 1944
Book Review: Near Eastern Problems, Robert S. Eliott, New Masses, March 14, 1944
Defeatists Use Palestine Issue to Disrupt Home Front Unity, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, April 1, 1944
FDR Pledges Help for Jewish Commonwealth in Palestine, Daily Worker, October 16, 1944
Palestine's Jewish Warriors, Albert Weiner, November 1944
Palestine Jews Condemn Terror, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, November 15, 1944
American Jewish Conference Votes to Admit IWO Affiliate, Daily Worker, December 5, 1944
America, Palestine and the White Paper, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, December 18, 1944
Issues in Zionist Council Crisis, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, December 29, 1944
FDR's Spirit Will Life, Browder Tells Memorial, [Morning Freiheit Anniversary meeting] Daily Worker, April 15, 1945
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


3 November 2024: Added to the Swedish Pierre Broué Internet Archive:

La révolution hongroise des conseils ouvriers. [The Hungarian Revolution of Workers' Councils] (1958)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


3 November 2024: Added to the Swedish Nikita Khrushchev Internet Archive:

Restoring order in Hungary. From Khrushchev Remembers (1970)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


2 November 2024: Added to the Israel-Arab/Palestine Conflict Archive:

To Win Arab World As Ally Main Task in Middle East, John Arnold, Daily Worker, June 30, 1942
Joint Mobilization of Jews, and Arabs Needed in Palestine, John Arnold, Daily Worker, July 1, 1942
Postal Telegram to the Presidium, American Jewish Conference, R. Satlzman, Jewish American Section, I.W.O., June 14, 1943
Collaboration with Hoover, Hearst Would Betray Jews, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, July 28, 1943
Again Asks Seat in Jewish Conference, Daily Worker, August 12, 1943
Excluded Groups Present Case Before American Jewish Parley, Daily Worker, September 1, 1943
What Jewish Conference Achieved Part I, Daily Worker, September 8, 1943; Part II, Daily Worker, September 9, 1943, Abraham Chapman
Jewish Committee Leaders Hurt Unity, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, October 28, 1943
Letter to the Editor, Daily Worker, and Editor's Response [on the British White Paper on Palestine] Daily Worker, December 8, 1943
Some Questions Concerning Zionism, the Jewish Army and Palestine, [excerpted from the pamphlet Jewish Unity for Victory, Alexander Bittelman, December 1943
The Palestine Resolution, Abraham Chapman, Daily Worker, February 17, 1944
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


2 November 2024: Added to the Swedish Paul M. Sweezy Internet Archive:

Interview with Paul M. Sweezy, 1986
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


1 November 2024: Added to the Israel-Arab/Palestine Conflict Archive:

The British "White Paper" is a Betrayal of Both Jews and Arabs in Palestine, Harry Gannes, Daily Worker, May 18, 1939
The White Paper and the Need for Jewish-Arab Unity, Daily Worker, May 20, 1939
Jews in Palestine Bitter over Chamberlain Sellout, Daily Worker, July 24, 1939
Daily Worker Editorial: British Treachery in Palestine, Daily Worker, March 1, 1940
Win Jewish Masses for Anti-War Fight, Browder Urges, Daily Worker, April 29, 1940
Palestine Land Rules Show Imperial Britain's Betrayal of Jews, I. Rennap, Daily Worker, May 4, 1940
Both War Camp Foe of Jews, Browder Declares, Lawrence Emery, Daily Worker, May 13, 1940
His Majesty's Gov't Is Responsible for Jewish Refugee 'Death Ship', John Arnold, Daily Worker, November 28, 1940
Palestine Masses Suffer from Effects of Imperialist Conflict, Daily Worker, January 4, 1941
Daily Worker Editorial: Both Sides Are Enemies of the Jewish People, Daily Worker, March 28, 1941
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


1 November 2024: Added to the new Swedish Mao Zedong Internet Archive:

Mao: Selected Readings from the Works of Mao Tsetung
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


Archived “What’s New” Pages: