Marxists Internet Archive: Archive updates

MIA Updates


February 2025


See Also: Daily list of files updated


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We are now taking orders for books published by the MIA. These books are published by Marxists Internet Archive Publications and all proceeds benefit the MIA, ensuring our continued operation and enhancement.


9 February 2025: Added to the Swedish Erik Hobsbawm Internet Archive:

Lenin and the “Aristocracy of Labor”, 1970
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


9 February 2025: Added to the German Archiv Karl Liebknecht:

Für eine gerechte kommunale Gewerbesteuer (For a fair local business tax) (1903)
Zum Kaiserinselprozess (The Kaiserinsel Trial) (1903)
Gegen den Raub eines sozialdemokratischen Mandats (Against the robbery of a Social Democratic mandate) (1903)
Antwort an Herrn von Hammerstein (Reply to Mr von Hammerstein) (letter) (1904)
Gegen die Entrechtung der sozialdemokratischen Mitglieder der Deputation für das Obdachwesen (Against the disenfranchisement of the Social Democratic members of the Housing Deputation) (speech) (1904)
Der Königsberger Prozess (The Königsberg Trial) (1904)
Es lebe die russische Freiheit! (Long live Russian liberty!) (speech) (1904)
Die Jugend und der Kampf gegen den Militarismus (Youth and the struggle against militarism) (speech) (1904)
Für den politischen Massenstreik (For the political mass strike) (speech) (1904)
Solidarität mit den russischen Genossen! (Solidarity with the Russian comrades) (speech) (1904)
Lehren des Königsberger Prozesses (Lessons from the Königsberg Trial) (speech) (1904)
Für die Demokratisierung der Kaufmannsgerichte (speech) (For the democratisation of the commercial courts) (1904)
Für die Trennung von Schule und Kirche (For the separation of church and state) (speech) (1904)
Gegen Rechtlosigkeit und Ausbeutung der Landarbeiter (Against the rightlessness and exploitation of agricultural workers) (speech) (1904)
Nochmals zur Frage der Kaufmannsgerichte (Once again on the question of commercial courts) (speech) (1905)
Das Strafgefängnis Plötzensee vor Gericht (Plötzensee Prison on trial) (1905)
Vom Plötzenseeprozess (On the Plötzensee Trial) (1905)
Partei und Gewerkschaften (The party and the trade unions) (19050)
Über die Notwendigkeit der antimilitaristischen Propaganda (On the necessity of antimilitarist propaganda) (speech) (1905)
Der Massenstreik – das spezifisch proletarische Kampfmittel! (The mass strike&rsquo: the specifically proletarian means of struggle!) (speech) (1905)
Rede in der Debatte über den politischen Massenstreik (Speech in the debate on the political mass strike) (1905)
Entlarvt die Klassenjustiz! (Expose class justice!) (1905)
Der politische Massenstreik – eine neue Waffe des Proletariats (The political mass strike – a new weapon of the proletariat) (1905)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan & Sozialistische Klassiker 2.0]


9 February 2025: Added to the German Archiv Franz Mehring:

Historisch-materialistische Literatur (Historical materialist literature) (book review) (1907)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan & Daniel Gaido]


8 February 2025: Added to the Lithuanian Marx and Engels archive:

The British Rule in India, 1853
The Future Results of British Rule in India, 1853
Value, Price, and Profit, 1865
[Thanks to Baltoji Rožytė.]


8 February 2025: Added to the Portuguese Enver Hoxha Archive:

Os Khrushchevistas [The Khrushchevites], 1951
[Thanks to Thales Caramante, Lucas Schweppenstette]


8 February 2025: Added to the German Arkhiv Karl Kautsky:

Notizen. In eigener Sache (Notes: On my own behalf) (1901)
Die Genossin Luxemburg und die Gewerkschaften (Comrade Luxemburg and the trade unions) (1906)
[Thanks to Daniel gGaido & Einde O’Callaghan]


8 February 2025: Added to the German Arkhiv Parvus (Aleksandr Helphand):

[Brief an Kautsky] (letter to Kautsky) (1901)
Franz Mehring und die Sozialdemokratie (Franz Mehring and Social Democracy) (1903)
[Thanks to Daniel Gaido & Einde O’Callaghan]


8 February 2025: Added to the German Archiv Clara Zetkin:

Der Generalstreik in Schweden (The general strike in Sweden) (1909)
Der Vorkämpfer unserer Frauenbewegung (The trailblazer of our women's movement )(1910)
Eine Pflicht internationaler Solidarität (A duty of international solidarity) (1910)
Eine Schilderhebung (Raising a shield) (1910)
Für den Kampf um den Frieden (For the fight for peace) (1910)
Internationaler Frauentag (International Women’s Day (1910)
Probleme einer sozialdemokratischen Modezeitung (Problems of a Social Democratic fashion magazine) (1910)
Budgetfrage – keine akademische Doktorfrage! (The budget question – not a doctoral question for academics!) (1910)
Gegen Alkoholabgabe an Kinder (Against alcohol sales to children) (1910)
Den Gedanken des Massenstreiks unter die Massen tragen (Bring the idea of the mass strike to the masses) (1908)
[Thanks to Sozialistische Klassiker 2.0 & Einde O’Callaghan]


8 February 2025: Added to the German Archiv Karl Liebknecht:

Das neue bürgerliche Recht, ein Rück- oder Fortschritt für die Arbeiterklasse? (The new civil law: a step backwards or forwards for the working class?) (1900)
Gegen den Hunnenfeldzug (speech) (Against the Hun Campaign) (1900)
Weltmachtpolitik und Sozialpolitik von oben (World power politics and welfare policy from above) (1908)
Die neue Methode (The new method) (1902)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan & Sozialistische Klassiker 2.0]


8 February 2025: Added to the German Archiv Franz Mehring:

Die Parteipresse (The party press (1907)
Zum Stuttgarter Kongress (On the Stuttgart Congress) (1907)
Ein Vierteljahrhundert (A quarter century) (1907)
Ein Jubiläum (An anniversary) (1907)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan & Sozialistische Klassiker 2.0]


8 February 2025: Added to the German Archiv Karl Radek:

Die Sozialdemokratie und die Kriegsrüstungen (Social democracy and the arms race) (1911)
Zur Abwehr (On defence) (1911)
Sozialdemokratie und Rüstungsbeschränkung (Social democracy and arms control) (1911)
Um eine verlorene Position (On a lost position) (1911)
Die auswä:rtige Politik des Kapitalismus und die Internationale (The foreign policy of capitalism and the International) (1911)
Die deutsch-französischen Verhandlungen (Franco-German negotiations) (1911)
Was steht auf dem Spiele? (What is at stake?) (1911)
Die Marokkofrage und die deutsche Sozialdemokratie (The Moroccan question and German Social Democracy) (1911)
Gegen den Imperialismus (Against imperialism) (1911)
Imperialismus und nationale Frage (Imperialism and the national question) (1911)
Auch eine Kampfparole (Also a rallying cry) (1911)
Vor dem Parteitag (Before the party conference) (1911)
Marokko in Jena (Morocco in Jena) (1911)
Christentum und Tripolisraub (Christianity and the Tripoli raid) (1911)
Aufrüstung nicht Abrüstung (Rearmament not disarmament) (1908)
Reichstag, Regierung und die Marokkoverhandlungen (The Reichstag, the government and the Moroccan negotiations) (1911)
Reichstag, Regierung und die Marokkoverhandlungen (The youth organisation) (1911)
Der italienisch-türkische Krieg und die Internationale (The Italo-Turkish War and the International) (1911)
Das deutsch-französische Abkommen (The Franco-German agreement) (1908)
Die Keilerei im Lager des deutschen Imperialismus (The brawl in the camp of German imperialism) (1911)
[Thanks to Sozialistische Klassiker 2.0 & Einde O’Callaghan]


8 February 2025: Added to the Swedish Lenin Internet Archive:

Imperialism and the Split in Socialism (October 1916)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


7 February 2025: Added to the Portuguese Amadeo Bordiga Archive:

Lições das Contrarrevoluções, 1951/1952
Teses características do partido, 1951
[Thanks to Robin Goodfellow <>, Lucas Schweppenstette]


7 February 2025: Added to the Portuguese Manabendra Nath Roy Archive:

Manifesto para o 36º Congresso Nacional Indiano, 1921
O Congresso Sindical Indiano, 1922
[Thanks to Guilherme Corona]


7 February 2025: Added to the Portuguese Zhou Enlai Archive:

Sobre a Imediata Adoção de Medidas Punitivas Contra Chiang Kai-Shek, 1927
Um Importante Problema Relativo ao Estilo de Trabalho dos Dirigentes, 1948
[Thanks to João Victor Bastos Batalha, Lucas Schweppenstette]


7 Feburary 2025: Added to the Hebrew-language section's Lenin Archive:

Critical Remarks on the National Question, The Right of Nations to Self-Determination (1913/1914)
Centenary of the Birth of Vladimir Lenin: Collection of Articles, Memoirs and Poems - Communist Party of Israel (1970)
[Thanks to Gal.Y and The Communist Party of Israel]


7 January 2025: Added to the Swedish Sino-Soviet Split Internet Archive:

What the Maoists are hiding from the people (October 1973)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


6 February 2025: Added to the Hungarian Leon Trotsky Archive:

The Revolution Betrayed, 1936
[Thanks to Vitandus]


5 February 2025: Added to the Hungarian Joseph Stalin Archive:

Historical and Dialectical Materialism, 1938
[Thanks to Antal A.]


6 February 2025: Added to the Swedish Lenin Internet Archive:

Eighth All-Russia Congress of Soviets (December 1920)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


5 February 2025: Added to the Portuguese Harpal Brar Archive:

Democracia Burguesa e Fascismo, 2000
[Thanks to União Reconstrução Comunista and Fernando Araújo]


5 February 2025: Added to the Swedish Isaac Deutscher Internet Archive:

On Internationals and Internationalism (1964)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


4 February 2025: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive on China:

New Opportunities for the Chinese Revolution, New Tasks and New Mistakes (September 1927)
Three Letters To Preobrazhensky on the Canton Insurrection) (1928)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


2 February 2025: Added to theHungarian Marx and Engels Archive:

Critiqueof the Gotha Programme, 1875
[Thanks to Márk Szász]


3 February 2025: Added to the Swedish Spanish Revolution Internet Archive:

Spain of the Revolution and Civil War (1937).
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


2 January 2025: Added to the Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism, Australia Archive significant runs of the following two publications of the Committee for a Revolutionary Communist Party of Australia:

The Rabble Rouser, 1995-2005
Struggle, 1996-2002
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


2 January 2025: Added to the Swedish Paul M. Sweezy Internet Archive:

Hilton, Dobb, Sweezy ...: The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism, 1950-1976
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


1 February 2025: Added to the R. Palme Dutt Archive:

The 'New Order' In Britain, 1941
[Thanks to Lenny Bright]


1 February 2025: Added to the new Jersey Communist Party Archive:

Jersey looks forward, by Norman Le Brocq, 1946
1961 Programme of the Jersey Communist Party, 1941
[Thanks to Lenny Bright]


1 February June 2025: Added to the Swedish Moscow Trials Archive:

POUM Executive Committee: On the Moscow Trial
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


Archived “What’s New” Pages: